4. The gilmores' first day of Chilton: part 2

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After mom and grandma left, me and Rory were left with headmaster Charleston.

Headmaster Charleston then wanted to talk to us one on one and so I left the room whilst he spoke with Rory.

After what felt like hours, Rory then left the room with pieces of paper in her hand.

I then go on threw and headmaster Charleston is sat at his desk. I slowly walk in and come take a seat.

"You're obviously a bright girl like your sister ms Gilmore."

"Thank you sir."

"Good grades, 4.0 grade average, the teachers at your former school like you. Lots of social activities, unlike your sister."

"Yes sir, I played soccer at stars hollow high and hope to make chilton's soccer and dance team."

"Very good, I'm sure you will. What are your aspirations?" He asks me, very intrigued.

"I hope to be involved with fashion. My mother is also good with fashion and so when me and Rory were younger, mom taught us some skills. Rory didn't find it interesting but I took a like into it. I hope to go to Harvard one day and do their fashion degree." I explain to him

"On your way to being...?"

"Stella McCartney"

"Not Coco Chanel?"

"No sir."

"Very different to your sister, I see." He says whilst looking through my file.

"Yes, me and Rory, we are so similar but so different at the same time. Oh and you will also notice that the debate team is also missing from my file." I say to him.

"Alright, I said the exact same thing to your sister but I've known your grandparents for sometime." He says to me, whilst taking off his glasses and putting my file down. I already know where this conversation is going. "In fact, I was at a party at their house just last week, where I had the most delicious lobster puffs I've ever eaten."

"I bet you they were really nice." I say awkwardly.

"I know, they were, I'm very fond of them. None of this, however, none of this will be of any benefit to you or your sister. Chilton has one of the highest academic standards of any school in America. You and Rory may have been the smartest girls at stars hollow, but this is a different place. The pressures are greater, the rules are stricter and the expectations are higher. If you make it through, you will have received one of the firnst educations one can get, and there should be no reason why you should not receive all of your goals. However, since you are starting late and are not used to this highly competitive atmosphere, there is a good chance you will fail. That is fine, failure is a part of life, but not at Chilton, you understand?"

"Yes sir, I understand. I am confident, I am independent but most of I am resilient. I don't give up because of the slightest little thing." I say to him confidently

"Alright then, I wish you good luck, although I don't think you will need it. I think you will fit it around our school just well. Take this to miss James in the administration office across the hall." He says with a polite smile on his face.

"Okay, sir. I wish you a good day."

"You too ms Gilmore."

I then stand up and walk towards the door. I then open it to find Rory standing across from me with a frightened face.

"How did it go in there with him?" I ask her and I see her face drop even more.

"Don't ask about it!" She says to me in a sad tone.

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