94. First birthday

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A/N: Filler chapter so it's very short

"Happy birthday babies." I whisper as me and Tristan walk into the girls' bedroom.

It was the morning of June 7, their first birthday.

"Happy birthday charlie and Mia." Tristan smiles at them as he picks Mia up, I pick Charlie up.

We make our way downstairs and I make everyone breakfast.

For their birthday, me and Tristan had decided to go all out.

We had bought them loads of toys and we were throwing them a party later on. The whole town was invited, including mom. I couldn't just not invite her. She is family after all.

Once we had eaten breakfast, we all make our way towards the living room where the girls would open their presents.

I don't think they had gotten used to the idea that you rip the wrapping paper. Instead, the would start to bite it. Me and Tristan had to help them on every present.

Rory hadn't left for Washington yet, she actually left in two days, meaning that she was here for Charlie and Mia's birthday.

She ended up coming around for lunch and brought a gift for the girls. It ended up being a book with the alphabet in and pictures of objects matching that specific letter. Knowing Rory, I knew she would buy them something educational. I was extremely thankful.

Later that evening, mostly everyone from town was at the party.

There was a table laid out for presents and cards and by the end of the night, it was so full. Which was so nice to see, as it meant that the girls were clearly loved throughout the town and community.

I had gotten Sookie to make a cake that they would share. Similarly to mine and Rory's cakes over the years, there was a picture of the girls made out of frosting.

The girls each had a slice of cake and instead of being in their stomachs, it was smothered all over their faces.

"Toast everyone." I speak up, banging a spoon on a wine glass gently, that was not filled with wine by the way. Everyone stayed silent as I begin to speak. "As you know, it is our babies first birthday today." Tristan wraps his arm around my back. "I can't believe how fast they are growing up. I can understand why mom always mentioned how fast me and Rory grew up. I always told her that it wasn't quick but now I finally understand. They are growing into such kind, and generous young girls already at such a young age." I begin to get emotional whilst looking at mom. "Sorry, I don't know why im crying." I laugh and wipe my tears.

"It's the hormones sugar." Babette shouts aloud

"Probably." I chuckle." They won't understand this all, but I just wanted to say how much I love them. They are the best things that have ever happened to me. They are both two balls of sunshines that lighten up our day. And thank you to all of you for coming to celebrate their first birthdays with us."

Only just half an hour later, the girls were both flaked out on me and Tristan but that didn't mean the party had finished.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Miss patty was gossiping with other people. People were talking and some were dancing.

Me and Tristan were sitting on the sofa and looking around.

"I can't believe how fast they've grown up. I mean, I want them to stop growing and they've only just turned one." I laugh

"I know. But just think, we'll have another one soon." Tristan points out

"Yeah, I know." I smile to myself before putting my free hand on my bump.

This was 652 words!

This was just a filler chapter so I'm sorry it's short. But it was also the first chapter of season three!

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