22. Monday

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The weekend had gone by quickly and it was Monday morning. I was laying on bed thinking about how Paris revealed to the school that I was pregnant. I was so angry at her. I was also dreading today. Everybody at school will be staring at me and Tristan.

The one thing that was bothering me more than anything, was the fact the grandma and grandpa knew near enough everyone that went to Chilton, meaning that word will soon get out.

"Tori, you have to get up. I'm planning on leaving early so I don't have to talk to mom." Rory says as she comes into my room.

"Ror, you need to make up with mom. It's ridiculous, you never have arguments. And anyway, I don't want to go to school." I exclaim

"I know, it's just that I wasn't at fault. We simply just fell asleep. I'm waiting for mom to apologise. And regarding your issue, you just need to face it. It's gonna happen sooner or later." Rory says sympathetically.

"Fine, I'll get up." I moan and make my way out of bed. "Give me ten minutes and I'll be ready."

"Okay, but hurry!" She calls before leaving.

"Hon, I know that today will be hard but just ignore people, okay?" Mom says as she says goodbye.

"I will mom, love you." I say and walk out the door.

"Hey baby, are you ready?" I say to Tristan as I meet him at the front of the school.

"Umm, yeah, we have each other, right?"

"Right." I say and take his hand.

Today was the first day in weeks that I didn't have to wear a baggy sweater to cover my bump. It felt nice.

As we walk through the corridor, I see people staring at us and then proceeding to whisper.

"Just ignore them." Tristan whispers to me.

"I will."

It was hard to. I mean, all you could focus on was the whispering of the people surround you. Especially when you were still relatively new to school and environment.

"Good morning Miss Gilmore, Mr Dugray." Mr medina welcomed us

It had been a while since the events of him staying for the night and mom had seen him so much since, it had become a regular thing.

"Morning sir." I say

"So, class, Dickinson wrote a..." he started but I started to zone off and before I knew it, it was the end of class.

"Did you get any of that? I like zoned out and didn't listen." I ask Tristan.

"Bits of it, but not everything. It just felt like everyone was staring, you know?" He questions

"Yeah, I know. Oh, Rory, can I borrow your notes later?"

"Yeah, I'll see you later." She says and we leave the classroom.

"So, Tori, I heard you are pregnant with Tristan's baby?" Louise says to me.

"Umm, yeah, twins." I stutter

"Wow, twins. Congratulations, then." Madeline tells me

"Thanks, I guess."

I then see Paris in the hallway and I roll my eyes at her although I soon start crying in anger. I still can't believe she did it.

"Listen, Victoria, I didn't mean to-" she starts but I cut her off.

"-save it Paris. You did this." I stop and look around at the people staring. "You did this, the staring, the comments, all because of you! It would of come out eventually but when me and Tristan were ready too. So, please, I'm asking nicely, can you please just leave me alone." I exclaim, nearly breaking down.

"Ugh, today was really awkward." I tell Tristan as I see him before I go home.

"I know babe, I promise it will get better though. No more staring or comments." He says

"I know, I just wish it was all over all ready."

"It will be soon. Anyway, my dad expects me home in 10 minutes. Love you babe and babies."

"I love you too. Rory, wait up." I call out to her. I would run but I can't run anymore. I had to quit football and I can't play anymore, which I'm really sad about.

"I will. Why do you need my notes?" She asks

"I didn't catch anything he said earlier." I tell her, truthfully.

"I understand. I'm proud of you Tori. I heard all of the comments and whispering. It must be hard." She says

"It is. It's really hard but I can't do anything. I just need to ignore them." I say and start crying, for the second time.

"Well, I'm always here. Always."

"Thanks Ror."

"Hey hon. How was your day?" Mom asks as I sit down at a table at Luke's.

I had done loads of shifts now and Luke's had just become even more of a second home. I had a shift now, that's why I had come.

"It was hard. Everybody was making comments and staring. I was lucky to have Tristan and Rory though. And I am so tired today." I say and smile at mom.

"Umm, Tori, I had a phone call earlier. Grandma and grandpa found out..."

That was the worst thing that I could have heard in that moment.

"Oh god! Was she mad? What did grandma say? Did she shout?" I say panicked.

"She didn't say that much. She told me that you should have learnt from past mistakes and that she will see us when she next does." Mom says and I cry. "Listen, hon, it's going to be okay. I know, I have said that so many times in the last weeks, but it will be. Just think, after everything, you will have two beautiful babies."

"Thanks mom" I say and she hugs me.

"Luke, do you mind if Tori doesn't do a shift today? She has had a tough day." Mom asks

Luke looks over at me crying, and agrees.

"Thanks Luke, come on babe. Let's go home."

This was just a filler chapter so it wasn't that good. That was 1002 words!

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