61. Nick & Nora/Sid & Nancy

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A/n: Not Proof Read

"How are the eggs?" Rory asks mom

It was the end of summer and me and Rory were starting school again today.

I was nervous, really nervous. About leaving the girls, I wasn't anxious about leaving them with Tristan, it's just that I've never been a whole day away from them. And, of course, just seeing everyone again. Except this time, not with a huge bump.

However, Rory was the complete opposite. She was so excited to get to school.

"Good." Mom replies

"I'm glad." Mom takes another bite of her eggs and Rory just stares at her. "They're still good."

"I'm still glad." Rory answers back

"Look freak, we will not be late." Mom states

"It's the first day of school. I want to get there early." Rory explains

"You will be there early, I promise."

"I have different classes. My routes aren't the same. I haven't found the quickest path around. And my locker — they moved it. So I don't even know if it will work properly, and then I'll have to get a new one, and god knows how long that's gonna take, and where it will be, and will turn the whole day into chaos." Rory justifies and mom gives her a look. "I'm just excited."

I was silent in all of this because of how in thought I was. I didn't want to leave them. Not for a whole day.

"Im going to go back home quickly." I tell mom and Rory

"Why?" Rory questions

"I want to say goodbye to Tristan and the girls again." I reply

"You already have." Rory points out.

"I know." I shrug. "But I'm gonna miss them today. I've never been away from them for a whole day. I'll get the bus."

"Okay hon. I'll see you after school." Mom kisses my head. "Tori?" I turn back around


"They'll be fine. I promise." Mom tells me and I smile slightly.

"I know." I say as I leave Luke's.

"What are you doing here?" Tristan laughs as he opens the door.

"I just wanted to say another goodbye." I explain

"Oh okay." He smiles. "Well, goodbye."

"Goodbye." I smile

"Would you like to come in for a minute? I'm guessing your taking the bus, and the bus doesn't leave for another 10 minutes." Tristan states

"Yeah. Hey babies." I see the girls laying on their tummies on the floor. We had read an article about where you lay babies on the floor, to play.

I play with them for a bit. It was hard to as they were still so young, but you could tell when they were happy as they would let a huge smile on their faces.

"You best get going." Tristan suggests

"Yeah." I whisper, sadly as I get up. I kiss each girls head before turning to Tristan. "I'll see you later. I love you."

"I love you too. Remember, call me throughout the day. I'll miss your voice." Tristan jokes

"I will. See you later." I kiss Tristan and walk out the door before head to the bus station.

I go to school, and everyone states at me as if I was new to school. Maybe I was, I mean I wasn't just 'Tori' now. I was a mom now.

I got lots of remarks and comments thrown at me, along with questions from some people.

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