51. Oh, babies: part 2

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I woke up to the door opening. The door was really squeaky and so the slightest movement made the loudest noise.

Dr Harris walked in with a clipboard in her hand and checked over my and the girls' vitals. Everything seemed fine which I was extremely grateful for. With twins, it was common for 'bumps' in labor and at this moment in time, I had had none.

"You'll be extremely happy to know that you are 9, nearly 10 cm dilated now Victoria. Within an hour, you should all be ready." She tells me and I smile in relief.

I was worried but I was extremely happy to not be pregnant any more. I could walk normally, and I could drink coffee again.

"Okay. Thank you so much Dr Harris." I state

"I'll be in again in about 30 minutes to check again."

"Tristan, we could be parents in an hours time." I say

"I know." He smiles and takes my hand.

"Okay tori, I think it's time..." Dr Harris tells me 40 minutes later.

"Really? What?" I ask, immediately filling with worry.

"Yes. You can have a person with you and the father." She explains

"Mom." I state as I smile at her. "Sorry Rory."

"No, no, it's okay. Anyway, I'm not good with blood." Rory laughs

"Okay. Right we are going to keep you in this room. If you, can wait outside. To the right, there is a waiting area where you can wait." Dr Harris gestures to Rory. "And then we'll get you all ready."

"O-okay." I stutter, nervously.

"You ready hon?" Mom smiles at me.

"I think so, yeah."

"Okay. When I tell you to, you need to push, okay Victoria?" Dr Harris asks me as I get into position to push.

"Okay." I state, I look at Tristan and he gives me a reassuring nod. I hold moms hand and I squeeze it.

The epidural was wearing off but it was better than it would have been.

"Okay, if you start pushing now." Dr Harris says and I push. "Perfect. Try push for 10 seconds each one."


"Push again." She states and I push.

This went on for another couple of pushes and finally Dr Harris tells me something that I was waiting for.

"I can see her head. Only a couple more pushes." I sigh in relief and smile.

It was really painful and I was tired now.

"Okay. Push tori. One more." Dr Harris commands

"You can do it hon." Mom encourages me

"I-I can't." I pant, out of breath.

"Yes you can, babe. You will be an amazing mom. Look, one more push and we will have one of our girls here." Tristan kisses my head.

One of the nurses comes and puts a blanket on my chest to put my baby on. It was overwhelming. I couldn't help but smile through the pain.

I push one more time, with all of my might, and I hear a baby crying, which sets me off too.

The nurses place her on my chest and I couldn't help but stare in awe. I look up at Tristan and he has tears in his eyes. Mom kisses my head and smiles, wiping her tears.

"Hi baby." I say, and stroke her tuffs of brown hair. She opens her eyes and she has the brightest blue eyes. I was expecting both of them blue eyes as Tristan and me both have blue eyes.

Victoria Gilmore - Gilmore Girls Where stories live. Discover now