54. Hammers and viels: part 2

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Rory and Tristan went to build a house today. I know, but it left me to relax by myself. Oh no, I couldn't, because the girls wouldn't settle no matter how hard I tried. The only time they wouldn't cry is when I held them. But when I had to get up to do something, all they did was cry, and cry, and cry.

"So I'm officially too tired to go out tonight. So I'm not trusting my accessorizing instincts. Tell me what you think." Mom tells me and Rory. Tristan was in the lounge with Mia, and I was in the kitchen with Charlie, feeding her a bottle.

"I have no wilderness skills!" Rory exclaims

"So you hate the purse?"

"How am I supposed to get into Harvard if I have no wilderness skills!" Rory shouts

"I don't know honey. Maybe you'll have to give up your dream of majoring in logging." Mom jokes

"I called the fireflies. 'Do they need troop leaders?' 'Yes.' 'Good. I'll be a troop leader.' The only catch is, it's summer - camping season. I need wilderness skills. Why did you never take us camping?" Rory asks

"Camping? Are you kidding? I couldn't even get you to step on wet grass until you were 3." Mom tells Rory.

"If you'd taken me camping, I'd have wilderness skills." Rory continues

"I'll tell you what, I'll take you upstairs, and I'll throw you out the window. If you manage to grab that tree, I'll be your witness." Mom states

"I called the sunny side home. 'Do they need volunteers?' And believe it or not, they don't. But they do need an accordion player for their Friday night polka party." Rory exclaims

"How come I never forced you to learn the accordion?" Mom asks herself for Rory.

"The library was closed. I can call them tomorrow but they only have 12 books, so I'm not counting on that. If the tutoring program at Chilton is still taking names, I guess I can do that." Rory rambles

"Rory, c-calm down." I try as me and mom look at each other, worried about her.

"I'm not prepared. I will never catch up."

"You will catch up. But not in one night. You made your list and your calls. Why don't you relax and call Dean to come over-" mom begins but is cut off by Rory.

"-We are in a fight."

"Why?" I ask

"Because you never took us camping." Rory points to mom.

"Oh, boy. I am really sucking tonight." Mom mumbles

"We were supposed to hang out, and I told him I couldn't. He got mad and we had a fight." Rory explains

"Well, why don't I cancel on max tonight and I'll hang out here with you? We can make popcorn and reminisce about how I never forced you to become a missionary." Mom jokes

"No, go. I'm fine. I just need to focus on this." Rory says

"I can help." Mom points out

"No, I need to do this alone."

"Are you sure?" Mom questions Rory

"I'm sure."

"Okay. Well, I'm not going to be home late. And listen, I would reconsider calling Dean. It's not your fault you're so fabulous, he can't think about anything else. I mean he just in his room, eating Froot Loops. Saying your name over and over and over." Mom Begins

"Time is ticking." Rory warns

"'Rory, I love you, Rory. I will not be ignored.'" Mom continues to mock Dean.

"Leave!" Rory commands

"Okay, I'll be home early. Bye." Mom leaves

I go back into the garage to let Rory finish. Tristan follows me in and we set the girls down in their cribs. Me and Tristan lay on the bed smiling at each other before slowly going to sleep whilst we can.

Today we had organized for a surprise wedding shower for mom and Max. The whole town was in on it. We had planned for it to be in the town center by the gazebo.

"How come you're not up there, Kirk?" I ask Kirk as he looks at the girls tap dancing on the gazebo.

"Oh, I don't tap anymore. Bum knees. I have to tell you, I'm a little worried about this gazebo holding up all those hoofers. They never did a trial run, like I requested." He replies

"Oh, I think it's okay. The studs are definitely sound, and the two by fours are a nice number two structural grade, or better, possibly." Rory comes and stands next to me. Kirk looks at her confused. "I built a house yesterday."

"Oh, for Pete's sake. No tossing of almonds! I repeat, put the almonds down!" Kirk says into the megaphone, waking up both girls who start crying. I get them to stop and Tristan comes over to me and kisses my cheek.

"Hey babe." He says

"Hi baby." I answer back

We sit down on a nearby bench, we each pick up one of the girls and I lay my head on his shoulder. This was my family. My own little family, and I loved it so much.

We look around and see Rory and Dean sat down on a bench too. In a similar position to me and Tristan, Rory's head on deans shoulder.

I notice lane walking towards her parents car. She was being sent to South Korea for the summer. I don't know why but I was going to miss her. I can't imagine a summer where she hasn't been here. I wave to her and she smiles back before getting into the car and driving away.

Mom and Max dance in the middle of the grass. I loved them two together but I just feel like he isn't the one for mom. I wish I could tell her that but it isn't my place to say it.

Mom looks happy though and that's all I want for her. Whether that's with Max or someone else.

This was actually a short chapter. This was 1084 words!

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