111. A deep fried korean thanksgiving: part 2

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"Hey, everybody." Mom greets as we walk into Luke's.

I go and sit straight at the only free table. My legs were aching and so were my ankles.

I completely Zone out as I was so tired whilst mom, Rory and Tristan greeted everyone.

I then hear Kirk explaining about his new cat, also called Kirk, who had scratched him all over his body.

"Hey." Jess comes down the stairs and walks towards Rory.

"Hey." She replies and they have a quick peck kiss. It was barely a kiss. After the dance, they decided that they wanted to be together. So, everything that Dean was saying was true.

"Hi." He turns to face me, mom and Tristan.

"Hi. Happy thanksgiving." I say, being polite.

"Happy thanksgiving, Jess. So, are you joining us?" Mom asks

"Uh, sure, if that's okay." Jess responds

"Yeah, sit, sit." Mom assures him

"God, I'm starved." Jess states as Luke brings out the food.

"You could have eaten." Luke tells him

"You kept telling me not to eat." Jess points out

"I did not." Luke denies

"You did too. You said we were waiting for them." Jess explains

"You didn't have to wait for us."

"I wasn't waiting for you. It just worked out this way." Luke states

"Looks great." Rory tells Luke as he sits down

"Whoa, whoa. Shouldn't we give thanks first?" Luke questions

"Thanks for what?" Jess asks

"That we're not native Americans who got their land stolen in exchange for smallpox infested blankets." Luke replies

"Amen." Mom says

"Where are you guys in your day?" Luke asks us

"We hit the Kim's, we hit sookies, and we go to the grandparents from here." I explain

"Full day." Mom adds

"You can skip eating this one of you want. Just have cokes or something. It's no big deal." Luke offers

"No way. You're the main event today." Mom tells him

"Good." He mutters

"What's good are the yams." Rory says

"Got some more marshmallows?" Mom asks

"Yeah. I can grab some. Hey, refill some coffee." Luke commands Jess and they both get up.

"So, no offense but lame-o kiss." Mom turns to face Rory


"You and Jess like a couple chickens pecking each other." Mom continues

"Mind your own business." Rory tells mom

"It was right in front of me." Mom points out

"So? I don't need a review. I'm just not good with public displays." Rory justifies

"You didn't have that problem with dean."

"I know, but now I feel like everyone is watching me." Rory tells us

"People are not watching you." Mom denies but I get a sudden urge to throw up. Why was I throwing up? There was nothing that had caused it. This had happened a couple of times but I still didn't know why.

"Excuse me." I manage to say before speed walking to the toilet. I could hear Tristan follow me in.

I crouch down and violently throw up. Why was this happening? I mean it could just be because he doesn't like the food. It had been a lot of food over the past couple of hours.

I then wipe my mouth with toilet paper, thinking it was over, but I was wrong. I was in the bathroom, with my head down down the toilet for another couple of minutes.

"Lorelai, I don't think she's gonna be able to make it to Emily and Richard." I hear Tristan shout to mom

Before long I then get up, and just hug Tristan. I was so emotional and the fact that being pregnant really was limiting stuff to me now, made me even more emotional.

"Come on, babe, we'll go home and you can go to sleep." Tristan kisses my head

We then make our way out and see mom, Rory, Luke and Jess all looking at us.

"Sorry." I apologize

"Dong apologize, hon. You go home. I hope you feel better. If it helps, I'll take the girls with us." Mom suggests

"Thank you, mom."

"Go on, then. You go home." Mom hugs me and kisses my cheek.

Me and Tristan then go home and watch a movie in bed before going to sleep for a couple of hours.

Apparently, the dinner was very eventful at grandma and grandpas.

Rory revealed that she had applied to Yale.

Mom was not happy with that but learnt to accept it.

After all the years of talk about me and Rory going to Harvard. Maybe, both of us might not go.

This was really short, in fact I could have added it to the last chapter.

It was 773 words!

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