40. The breakup, part II

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"Mom, tori." I hear Rory say as she shakes us awake. "Mom, tori, get up."

I will still in moms bed from last night. I never realized how comfortable her bed was compared to mine.

"Rory, what's the matter?" I ask her

"Nothing, I just wanna get started. I made a list of the things we say we're gonna to do on weekends, but when the weekend comes, you say they're too boring to actually do on a weekend. So then you say we're gonna do them during the week, which of course we never do. So I think we should get them all out of the way today, once and for all." Rory explains, opening the blinds and I think, tidying the room. "And to make it interesting, we should come up with a reward system, so once we're done with everything on the list, we could go get manicures. Or we could go to that Swiss place for fondue for dinner, or we could stuff our purses full of sour patch kids and milk duds and go see the stars hollow elementary school production of 'who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?'"

"Rory, it's 6:00." I state, annoyed that she woke us up. "On a Saturday morning."

"That's right."

"It is 6:00 on Saturday morning!" Mom repeats

"Do you wanna wear socks or sneakers?" Rory asks mom, as she gets moms outfit ready.

"I want to wear slippers." Mom tells her

"Up please!"

"Rory, the other half of me. It is Saturday, a day to rest. The girls had me up all night kicking, that's why I'm in here. I had a very eventful night last night, and I just want to rest." I exclaim

Rory then rips the blanket off of the bed.

"Oh, jeez!" Mom reacts to the coldness.

"Up, please." Rory pleads

"You made a rhyme." I point out

"I'll see you downstairs." Rory leaves. I moan and attempt to get up, but fail.

"You know what, I can't get up. It's a sign mom. We should just stay in bed." I state and mom agrees.

We get dressed and slowly come downstairs.

"Am I hallucinating?" I ask as I notice the living room all rearranged.

"No, you're not." Mom tells me. "Hello, did you rearrange the furniture?" She questions Rory.

"Yes." Rory replies

"I thought we were having a problem with decorative elves and I was gonna have to call an exterminator, but it was just you. Great. So was there any reason you suddenly felt the need to move around large pieces of furniture?" Mom asks

"I was up. It was there." Rory explains with a smile.

"Okay, good thought process. Great."

"How come you didn't move the tv?" I question her

"It was too heavy." She responds

"Right, okay."

"Well, I Like this. Yeah, this is good. Now, of course, when the sofa actually faced the tv, it made it a little easier to watch, but this is good, too. It'll be like radio." Mom states

"Ready to go?" Rory asks us

"Yeah, I am. Just one quick sec. Why don't you... could you put the pen down?" Mom starts

"Just finishing the list."

"Yes, I see, as much as I love your list, let's just finish this particular one in a little while, okay?" Mom finishes

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