73. Richard in stars hollow: part 2

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"Hey, grandpa." I hug him. Both him and mom were in the kitchen, I'm guessing Rory had gone to school.

"Hi, tori. I see it's your day off school today. How are the girls? How is your leg, too?"

"They are fine thank you grandpa, they've both started sitting up now, so they'll be crawling anyway and my leg is fine. A weeks time and the cast will be off." I smile at him.

I sit both girls down in their high chairs. Recently they had hit that mark where they were allowed to eat small portion of actual food. So I feed them a yogurt in the morning each, they love it.

Mom and grandpa sit next to me and read the paper. Afterwards, we were all going to go to Luke's. I needed a cup of his coffee.

"Well, this is it — Luke's." Mom says to grandpa as we walk into the diner.

"You know, when I was in college, there was this horrible little diner across from my apartment building. It was run by this terrible little couple. They were very angry. They would fight, break plates, curse. And I went in there every morning for three years, and I had the most dreadful breakfasts — just awful. I really miss that place." Grandpa tells us

"Morning." Luke greets as he comes over to our table.

"Hey. Um, Luke, you remember my father." Mom introduces them both

"Oh, yeah, nice to see you." Luke remembers

"Nice to see you too. Quite a place you've got here."

"It pays the bills." Luke jokes

"Always a plus in business." Grandpa laughs

"Dad, you know what you want?" Mom asks him

"Oh, I already ate." Grandpa responds

"You did? When?"

"I had breakfast at home. I get up at 5:30 every morning." Grandpa justifies

"Wow. Why?"

"Well, I've gotten up at 5:30 for as long as I can remember." Grandpa states

"That was when you had to work. Now you can afford to get crazy — get up at quarter to 6:00." Mom laughs

"Go ahead and order Lorelai."

"I'll have the banana pancakes, side of bacon, and lots and lots of coffee." Mom tells Luke

"And I'll have the same but with no bananas." I explain

"Coming right up."

"You didn't order any grapefruit." Grandpa tells us, mainly mom.

"I don't really like grapefruit." Mom says and I nod in agreement.

"I always start my breakfast with half a grapefruit." Grandpa states

"Do the Florida people know about you? Cause Anita Bryant left this huge gap that has yet to be filled." Mom questions as a joke.

"It's important to start the day off correctly. A grapefruit is a brain food. It has vitamin c and folic acid, and it helps with your digestion. It really is a terrific fruit." Grandpa says with enthusiasm. Mom just looks at me, and I struggle to not laugh.

"I feel like you're about to break into song." I tell grandpa

"I'm serious about this."

"We know you are. But we still don't like grapefruit." Mom referred to me and her.

"There are many things in life that we don't like, but the benefits they bring us far outweigh the temporary discomforts we have to endure." Grandpa begins

"Okay, hold on a sec." Mom gets up, leaving me and grandpa alone. I'm guessing she had gone to get or ask for a grapefruit.

"So, tori, have you set a date for the wedding?" Grandpa asks me

"Yes, I think we have. We have chosen someday in late may." I explain. "We're going to have it here, in stars hollow. We are thinking maybe in that gazebo there." I point to the gazebo out the window. "Or the inn. Me and Tristan are pointing more towards the inn though."

"Okay, the grapefruit is coming." Mom tells us as she sits back down.

I pretend to gag and give her a look.

"Oh ho, you won't be sorry."

"So, listen, I was thinking maybe after we've done here, you might like to walk around town, see the sights, and then Rory usually gets home around 4:00. The two of you, maybe tori as well, could hang out until I get off work, and the seven of us, including the girls and Tristan, could hook up for dinner. How does that sound?" Mom explains

"Very sensible." Grandpa compliments

"I had to make up for my shoes." Mom jokes

"Is that your second cup of coffees?" Grandpa questions me and mom as the waiter fills up our cups.

"Uh, third, why?" I ask back

"No reason." Grandpa pauses. "It's a lot of coffee first thing in the morning." He starts humming to himself and an awkward silence occurs.

I helped grandpa find his way around town and he said that I could go and do my own things now.

I left him to wonder round, he seemed to be enjoying himself. I went to the Music Store First and bought some new cds that I wanted.

"Kirk, where have all of the movies gone?" I ask him whilst looking around at the movies.

"They are hidden behind that curtain there, it's called the 'Rory' curtain. Named after your sister." Kirk explains

"And why is a curtain named after my sister?"

"Because she told me that some kids were looking at an inappropriate movie cover." Kirk justifies

"Okay. Anyway, have a good day Kirk."

"You too tori. Even though I'm having a really bad day." He says and starts rambling so I walk out.

"Rory, Tori! We're home!" Mom shouts.

She and grandpa had just come back. She sounded annoyed though.

"Tori, Rory. For the love of god, one of you be home!" Mom yells

"Sorry. I was on the phone and Rory's not home— oh, okay." I begin but before I can finish, mom hugs me tightly.

"I don't think I've ever loved you as much as I love you right now." Mom continues to hug me, even tighter than before.

"Aah! Ribs cracking! Organs crushing!" I exaggerate

"Yeah, well, love hurts." Mom says and walks away. Just then Rory comes through the door and I leave her with grandpa.

"Let me guess, grandpa came to the inn didn't he?" I ask mom

"Yes, and do you know what? He just barged in there and told me I wasn't good at my job. I was on a 'business' call with Manny, who I've known for 10 years, and he says I wasn't professional. Like.." mom scoffs and buries her head in her arms. I rub her back comfortingly.

"Look, mom, he's gonna be gone soon. And then, we'll never have to do this again." I point out to her.

"Yeah. Thanks Tori. For being with him for a while today." Mom thanks me

Anyway, this chapter was 1144 words!

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