104. Eight O'Clock at the oasis: part 2

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"Hi grandma, I'm so sorry but I don't think me and the girls are going to be able to make tonight. I haven't got much sleep lately and I am so tired. I hope you don't mind." I tell grandma over the phone.

"No, it's quite alright, tori. I hope you aren't as tired in the morning. See you soon."

Mom had caught me up on a guy that she met at the bidding event that grandma had invited her to. She asked grandma for his number and now they were going to dinner tonight. He even invited mom to see David Bowie next week.

"So, how did it go?" I ask mom as I enter Luke's with Tristan and the girls. Tristan went up to the counter to order whilst I took the girls to see mom at the table.

"He had no personality what so ever." Mom begins.

"Yeah, but Rory called me and said he was hornless. She explained to me what that meant."

"He was hornless, but he had no personality, no sense of humor, and no idea how boring he was." Mom continues

"I'm sorry." I sigh

"That's okay. The evening started well — until we got to the car, a jaguar XJ8 Convertible with a 290 horsepower engine, in case you were wondering. You weren't? Funny — neither was I. However, he told me anyhow. He told me a lot of other things about the car also. Like did you know how many inches the pistons are? I do. I know the correct oil for it, how to treat the leather interior, how to load it into a flatbed truck in case of a flat tyre."

"Jeez. Did her talk about anything else?" I question

"Not until we got to the restaurant... and the wine list." Mom explains

"Oh, no! He's a winey?" I ask

"Yes — He sniffed, swirled, swished, and di every other pretentious and borderline disgusting thing that you can do with wine in a public place, and he did it all while describing to me the vintage discrepancies and the wood they us for the barrels in Palermo and the grape chop projections for the following year. And I, in turn, chimed in with my story about getting sick in Andre cold duck in the back of Peter cutler's car in 9th grade. He didn't find that quite as charming." Mom justifies her night.

"I can't believe that. That is one of your best anecdotes." I tell her

"I know. So I stopped talking. He continued talking, and I just sat there, thinking about Peter cutler — How was Peter Cutler? Where was Peter cutler? Was there any chance that Peter cutler would appear and kill the man talking about torque?" Mom rambles

"Was the food good at least?"

"Tiny portions, weird sauces." Mom sighs

"I'm sorry." I repeat

"That's okay. You don't know until you try, right?"

"What about Bowie?" I ask her

"No. There's no way I could stand this guy for another night. I'll catch Bowie the next time he does a farewell tour." Mom states

"Bummer." I mutter and Charlie starts to whine. I'm guessing it was because she's hungry. "Just wait. Daddy's getting your food now."

"So, how are you and Tristan finding married life?" Mom questions me

"It's no different to how it was before." I say

"And how's the baby? The nausea Gina away?" I had been suffering from really bad nausea recently.

"Not really? Constantly, every single day, more at night time though." I explain

"Oh, hon. Not long now."

"I know. 12 more weeks and then he'll be here." I state and Tristan comes with pancakes for the girls and breakfast for us. God knows why he was bringing them over and not Luke.

"Hi mom." Mom says to grandma as she opens the door.

"Hello, Lorelai."

"Hi, grandma." Me and Rory say

"Hello Rory, tori. They are pretty sweaters." Grandma tells me and Rory. I was wearing a light shade of red that was a bit tight on my bump and Rory was wearing a blue one.

"Thank you." We both reply

"I do love you in blue and red. Rory, you should wear blue more often and tori, you should wear red more often. Buy them more blue and red, lorelai." Grandma commands mom

"Oh, I'll get right on it. So, I brought you something mom." Mom begins

"Oh, really? Soda, Girls?"

"Yes, please." We respond

"These are pictures from sookies wedding. There's a great one of you and dad dancing. I put them in an album for you." Mom explains

"That's very nice. Thank you." Grandma smiles at mom before continuing to pour drinks.

"You want to see?"

"I'm making drinks, lorelai." Grandma points out

"Right. Later it is."

"Here you go." Grandma gives me and Rory our drinks. "Here."

"Oh. Guess I'm having wine." Mom mutters

"You didn't want wine?"

"Wines fine." Mom states

"I'll get you something else." Grandma offers

"No, I'm good." Mom tells her

"Would you like a martini?"

"You usually ask me what I want, and tonight, you didn't ask. So I didn't get to tell you how much I would love to have Wine." Mom points out

"I bought some cheese to have before dinner." Grandma tells us all

"Great. We love cheese."

"It goes great with wine." Mom explains

"I will be right back." Grandma walks out

"Boy, it's cold in here." Mom sits down next to me and Rory.

"It's a lot colder where you're sitting."

"Ohh... she's mad at me." Mom realizes

"Yep." I agree

"Think she'll be mad all night?" Mom asks us

"Yep." I repeat and Rory nods her head.

"I guess I should talk to her." Mom suggests

"Yep." I say

"You wouldn't want to go in there and talk to her for me?" Mom questions

"Nope." I refuse

"Good thing you don't get paid by the word." Mom jokes

"Sooner you get in there, the sooner you get the cheese." Rory tells mom

"Fine." Mom walks out to find grandma.

This is a short chapter, sorry.

It was 1022 words!

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