92. Lorelai's graduation day

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A/N: With the whole Tori/Lorelai argument, it limits what I can write in the chapters, meaning that they are shorter than normal. Sorry.

"You know, mom is graduating from her business class on Thursday." Rory tells me

"Really?" I ask

"Yes... and I thought it would be nice if you came with to watch the ceremony." Rory continues

"Rory..." I begin

"It's a big thing Tori. Moms graduating. It's the only graduation mom will have. I am going to ask grandpa and grandma too. She said she didn't want them there but I feel like they need to be there." Rory states

"Fine. I'll think about it, but it's not a guarantee." I agree

"Hey, I have a scan on Wednesday after school and I was wondering if you'd like to come with." I suggest

"I'd love that tori."

"So, how do they do it? Do they put that cold gel on? Do they—" Rory smiles, getting really excited.

"Rory. Calm down. They do it exactly how you would expect them to. They put the gel on and then you see the baby on the screen. That's the easiest way to explain it." I explain

"Victoria Gilmore." The doctor calls out my name.

Me, Tristan and Rory stand up and walk towards the room. Normally they would only allow one other person in the room but they allowed Rory too.

"Okay. So you know the drill by now. I'm going to put this on your stomach. It's cold so you might feel it." The doctor says as I lay on the bed.

I take Tristan's hand and smile at Rory as she prepares me.

All of a sudden, a small image of a baby like shape appears on the screen and I smile to myself as I see it.

"Everything seems perfect. The measurement are fine. It's quite early to determine but it seems good. Would you like some pictures?"

"Yes please." Tristan replies

"That's our baby boy, Tristan." I smile

"How do you know it's a boy?" Rory questions, not taking her eyes off of the screen. She seemed so fascinated by the whole thing.

"I just have a feeling it's a boy. Tristan thinks it's another girl." I justify

"There we go. Here's your pictures. I'll book you in for your twenty week scan whilst you're here." The doctor reappears as she hands us the prints. I give one to Rory whilst she is here. We always get

I decided that I was not going to go to moms graduation. I had got her a gift though.

I was looking through an old music shop that I found and saw an old record of the Go-Go's and was signed by Belinda, a member of the band. It was moms favorite band when she was in high school. It was so hard to find, I just had to get it for her and decided it should be her graduation present.

Later Thursday night, I had changed my mind. I had decided to go to moms graduation. I felt like I couldn't miss it. I quickly grab the girls and put them in the car.

I drop the record off outside of their house with a card taped to it so she knew it was from me. Inside the card was a copy of the scan. I don't know if mom wanted a copy of it but I put it inside anyway.

Afterwards, I drove straight to Hartford. I must have broke the speed limit so many times to get there in time.

I pick the girls up, not even putting them in their stroller and ran into the building and ended up taking every turn the wrong way.

I just continued to follow the sound of clapping every minute until I came to a big hall.

I entered at the back of the hall with Charlie on my right hip and Mia on my left and saw a man with a big, professional camera. One guess who that belonged to.

I looked around and saw Sookie, Jackson, grandma, grandpa, but no Rory. What was weird was that I hadn't seen Rory today at school either.

After not even thirty seconds, I hear moms names being called and I look up to see mom I'm a gown and cap walking onto stage, the camera crew following her.

Mom received her diploma and her eyes immediately fell upon me.

At this point, I had tears in my eyes and by the looks of it, so did she. I was proud. I look at both girls and tell them to look at their nana.

She smiles lightly at me and turned her tassel to the other side.

The proudness disappeared as the feeling of missing her came into play. I smile back but it fades as I turn back around and make my way outside.

~Lorelai's pov~

Rory had just gone inside after her missing my graduation.

I was disappointed as she wasn't there.

I mean, the daughter who I kicked out decided to come, but the daughter that I do everything for didn't.

Instead, she ended up going to New York to see a guy that nearly killed her and her nieces.

I turn to look at the floor before seeing a record and card on the floor.

I pick it up and see it's a Go-Go's record, signed by Belinda. I grin to myself, knowing how hard it is to find.

The card was taped to the record and I opened it, not knowing who it was from.

Once I had opened it, a small piece of paper fell to the floor. I picked it up and saw a baby scan on it. I looked at the details at the top and read that it was Tori's scan from yesterday.

I look at it for a moment before realizing that I had utterly messed up.

"Why? Why?" I mutter to myself quietly before starting to cry.

I couldn't begin to understand how tori was feeling. How could I have done this?

She was so vulnerable and I just kicked them out because I didn't agree with their decisions.

I mean, I know tori, she is so mature and responsible. Why did I do this? Why did I let myself do this? How do I get Tori back?

Did you like the 'Lorelai's pov', I've never switched it to another characters point of view, so I hope it's okay.

Anyway, this chapter was 1088 words!

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