49. Sadie, sadie: part 2

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"Well, hello, there!" Grandma exclaims as she opens the door.

It was Friday night dinner and Tristan and Dean were with us this week.

"Grandma, you remember Dean, right?" Rory asks grandma.

"Yes I do. Nice to see you again."

"Thanks. Uh, your house is great. It's huge. I've never seen a house this huge before."Dean says awkwardly.

"Well thank you. So few people bother to notice the hugeness of the house anymore."

"It was so nice of you to tell Rory to tell Rory and Tori to invite a friend tonight, seeing as this is their night. That was really nice of you." Mom says

"It was my pleasure."


"Well, don't just stand there. We have a celebration to attend. Come in, come in." Grandma states and we walk inside. "My gosh, tori, you look like you are about to give birth at any minute." Grandma says as she sees me. "When are you due again?"

"In three weeks grandma. Any day now."

"Good evening Emily. Thank you for letting me come tonight." Tristan says and hugs grandma.

"You're welcome Tristan, it's my pleasure. So, what would everyone like to drink?"

"Uh, well, I'll have a white wine, and Dean will have a beer." Mom jokes

"What?!" Dean exclaims

"Corona, right?" Mom continues the joke.

"No! I don't want a beer. I don't drink beer! I'll have a water or a soda or anything. Or nothing. Not beer. Never beer. Beer's - beer's bad." Dean panics.

"Relax, Dean, that's just Lorelai's little sense of humor. You're very cruel." Grandma states

"Yes, well, it keeps me young."

"Im just gonna sit here and stare at my hands." Dean tells us

"Soda, Dean?" Grandma asks



"Oh, I'll have a beer." We all laugh, except Dean. "Im sorry, Dean. We're not laughing at you."

"Oh, wait, i think I was." I say, jokingly.

"I think I was a little too." Grandma agrees. "Oh, Richard, there you are. Come join us."

"Hey dad." Mom greets grandpa

"Grandpa, hi, um, this is Dean. Dean, this is my grandpa." Rory introduces them both.

"Hi." Dean says. "Sorry. Uh... hi." He stands up to greet him.

"Hello." Grandpa says wearily.

"It's, uh, it's nice to meet-" Dean begins to say but grandpa cuts him off.

"-Does everyone have drinks?" Rory looks at me and mom, and we look just as confused as her. "Ah, Tristan, nice to see you again. How are you?" Grandpa asks

"Im good thank you Richard. How are you doing?"

"Im very well, thank you." Grandpa says as he makes himself a drink.

"Should we do the beer thing again?" I hear Dean ask mom

"No, I don't think so." Mom responds

"I can't believe you found a recipe for beefaroni." Rory exclaims as we eat.

"It wasn't easy. Antonia thought I'd gone insane." Grandma tells us

"Mmm, well..." mom comments

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