9. Cinnamon's wake: part 1

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"So where'd you say dad was?" Mom asks grandma. It was Friday night and so we were having dinner at the grandparents house although today it was just grandma.

"Away on Business." Grandma responds

"Locations top secret?"

"Oh, Germany." Grandma says

"Germany. Is dad's firm insuring nazis now?"

"Your father doesn't know any Nazis." Grandma says to mom. Thank god he doesn't

"I know mom. I was just-" mom starts to say before grandma cuts her off.


"Joking." Rory says

"She was just joking." I say

"Oh. Hard to tell."

"Yeah, well."

"I'm afraid I have some bad news. Claudia died." I'm sorry grandma, who?

"Who?" Mom asked, clearly confused.

"Claudia, your cousin, Claudia." Grandma says and mom just gives her a confused look. "Claudia!"

"I'm hearing the name, I have no idea who that is." Mom says

"Claudia is your cousin, for all intent and purposes."

"Oh, now we're getting to it." Mom said with a small smirk on her face.

"She was your father's grandmother's sister's girl. So to you that would make her-" Grandma explains and then mom cuts her off.

"Nothing?" Mom suggests

"Regardless, the funeral is on Thursday. I thought we'd all go together." Grandma asks

"Wow, wow, two problems. One, impossible to get away from the inn on Thursdays. Two, I've never met this woman." Mom complains

"You certainly have." Grandma debates back


"Several times."

"I'll take one."

"We went to her house to see the first moon landing. She'd just gotten a new Philco." Grandma says, whilst me and Rory just look at each other a grin.

"I have no memory of this whatsoever." Mom says

"Girls, correct me if I'm wrong, me have walked on the moon regardless of wether your mother remembers or not." Grandma says whilst looking at us

"That's the rumour." I say and Rory nods her head

"I know that. I just don't know Claudia."

"So you're not going?"

"Not this time."

"I don't think Claudia is planning to die a second time." Grandma says and me and Rory laugh

"Mom I couldn't go if I wanted to."

"Fine." We all sit in silence for a bit and then grandma speaks up. "Oh wait, Rudolph gottfried."

"Another cousin?" Mom suggests

"No, a nazi we knew. I had forgotten. We stayed with him once in Munich. Nice old man, interesting stories." Grandma says and we all stare at her.

"Mom, you socialised with a known nazi! Thats despicable! That is heinous!" Mom continues

"No dear. That was a joke." Grandma says and me and Rory laugh until we see mom give us 'that' look so we slowly stop.

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