113. That'll do pig: part 1

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"Are you serious?" Lane asks mom

Me, Rory, mom and lane were walking through the town.

I had was pushing jack in his stroller.

Charlie and Mia decided that they didn't want to come with and so they stayed at home with Tristan.

He was going to cook some pancakes for them and then they were going to the park to play.

It had been five days since Jack was born and it has been some of the best but worst days of my life.

Jack does not stop crying. The only time he stops crying is when he's sleeping, he's being fed, or if someone is holding him. However, he always cries when I hold him.

Everyone else, he's fine with. Me, he screams his head off.

It's so annoying. He wakes up during the night crying, so I go through to go calm him down, he doesn't stop crying. I try my best, I bounce him up and down, I rock him from side to side, he just doesn't stop.

Although, as soon as Tristan comes in and takes jack from me, he stops crying.

It happens almost every night, and each time it happens, I can't help but feel like I'm a bad mom.

Anyway, back to the conversation.

"I am serious." Mom confirms

"We can really rehearse in your garage?" Lane questions

"In the exchange for the promise that you never pose naked in The Rolling Stones Cover, no matter how much trouble your careers in." Mom states

"I promise. I love you. Do you know how amazing your mother is?" Lane turns to face me and Rory.

"No. Tell them, would you? Especially this one." Mom nudges Rory. "She forgot this morning."

"Because hot waters enjoyed by all. Not just by you." Rory explains

"I wasn't in the shower for that long." Mom defends herself

Just then jack starts crying, again.

He's got that cute newborn cry, which is cute. Everyone 'awws' at the sound of it, but when you hear it twenty four hours a day, well... it's a different story.

"Aw, is bubba hungry?" Mom looks at jack in his stroller and gently strokes his cheeks.

"No he's just being a pain in the—" I begin but get cut off by mom.

"No he's not. Look at that cute face." Mom says in a baby voice.

"You don't hear him crying all the time though." I sigh

"Hon, he'll calm down eventually." Mom side hugs me as we start walking again.

"Oh, it's winter carnival time again already." Rory points out. "Are you going?" She asks lane

"I have to. We're raising money for the marching band. Mandatory booth manning is involved." Lane states

"Man, lane — marching band, rock band."

"Music is mg Life." Lane Tells us

"Hi, Mrs Kim!" Mom pretends to wave when Mrs Kim wasn't actually there.

"So not funny." Lane whispers and mom side hugs her.

"Raising money for the band for what?" I ask

"Please let it be new uniforms." Mom adds

"It's for letters so we can finally have letter carriers. For some reason the powers think the reason we never win at competitions is because no one knows who we are. Not the fact that we suck. What's wrong with our uniforms?"

"Nothing." Mom lies

"We look stupid, right?" Lane asks

"No." Mom lies again

"The plumes are too big, and it looks like fountains of blood spurting out of our heads." Lane states

"I love the uniforms." Mom stutters

"It's bad enough I gotta be in the marching band, without being mocked for what is mandatory for us to wear." Lane says, offended at moms comment.

"I-I... remind her that she can rehearse is our garage, cause I think I'm losing points." Mom turns to face me and Rory.

"Your uniforms are great, and people knowing you can help." Rory tells lane. "Let's just enjoy the snow, okay? Especially since some of us have been freezing since out showers this morning."

"I wasn't that long." Mom defends herself

"Can we get back to the band uniforms. On a scale of 1-10, how much do I not wanna let Dave see me?" Lane questions

"10." Me, Rory and mom all say.

"Okay, thanks."

I woke up to a loud cry from jack, who lay next to me in his crib.

I get up and pick him up and bounce him up and down, shushing gently as I did.

I sat down and tried to feed him, although I wasn't surprised when he didn't latch on as I had only fed him just over an hour ago.

He continued to cry as I rock him side to side.

I change his diaper and he continues to cry.

"Can I help with anything?" I hear Tristan offer as he sits up.

"He just won't stop. He won't stop crying." I say in tears as I hold a crying jack.

"It's okay babe. Pass him hear." Tristan takes jack and bounces him up and down, just like I was doing, and jack starts to slowly settle.

Eventually Tristan sets him back down in his crib and turns to face me with a sympathetic look on his face.

"Tor, come here." Tristan hugs me and kisses my head and tries to calm me down.

"Why doesn't he like me?" I cry into Tristan's neck as we continue to hug.

"He does like you, babe. He loves you, you are his mommy. He just has to get used to you." Tristan says

"So him being inside of me for nine months wasn't enough time?" I ask

"It will get better, tori. Just know that he does love you, and so do Charlie and Mia, and so do I. I love you so much. So, so much." Tristan whispers

"I love you too." I reply

"Come on, get some sleep. If he wakes up again, I'll get up and sort him out." Tristan offers

"Okay, thank you." I sniff and we get back into bed.

"Tristan?" I whisper after five minutes of getting back

"Mm?" He hums in response.

"Thank you." I tell him

"What for?" He questions

"For being here."

"I wouldn't be anywhere else." He kisses me and we go back to sleep.

I'm so sorry for not updating sooner.

This chapter was 1157 words!

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