96. Lazy hazy crazy days: part 2

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On the way home from the airport, mom dropped me off at home to pick up the girls up and then I'd make my way to their house.

"Loose monsters in the house!" I joke as I enter through the door.

I had let go of Charlie and Mia's hands so they were walking round the house, laughing and smiling away.

"There are my two favorite girls." Rory exclaims and bends down to hug them.

"Ror-Ror." Charlie and Mia smile. They weren't saying proper words yet but they could babble and we could make sense of it.

"Hi Charlie. Hi Mia." Mom picks up Charlie and Rory picks up Mia.

We get talking about the festival and mom going to dinner with grandma and grandpa before a moment of silence occurs.

"Hey, girls... I don't want you two freezing out your dad because I am." Mom breaks it

"I'm not." We both reply

"Because I'm fine. If you want things the way they were." Mom begins

"I think that would be a little hard this time." I explain and Rory agrees.

"Okay. Maybe not now, but eventually."

"Eventually, maybe. But for now, solidarity, sister." Rory states

"Ya-ya!" Mom exclaims

"You've been waiting to do that for six weeks, haven't you?" I ask, laughing.

"Ya-ya!" Mom repeats as we walk out of Rory's room so she can change.

"Mom, feel him kick." I take her hand and rest it on my bump where he was kicking.

"Wow, he kicks strong."

"Tell me about it. He is playing soccer in there." I joke

"He is Gonna be a mini you then."

"Yeah, he is." I whisper, smiling to myself whilst resting a hand where he was kicking.

Mom was going to show Rory her shortcut to Sookie and Jackson's house. Apparently it was three minutes quicker. She had shown it to me last week, although I didn't think it was quicker.

I had agreed to meet them in town as I had to get to a shift at Luke's.

"And we kissed, okay?" I hear Rory tell mom. They were talking about Jess at sookies wedding.

"You and Jess kissed?" I repeat, speechless as to what I had heard.

"Yes." Rory crosses her arms.

"You kissed like you kissed?" Mom asks

"Yes." Rory repeats

"Okay. Who kissed who?" Mom continues to question Rory.

"What does that matter?"

"Did he kiss you? Did you kiss each other?" Mom continues

"I kissed him." Rory reveals


"And I don't know. I thought he came back here because he liked me. I kissed him and he kissed me back. And now he's over there, and I feel so stupid." Rory points to Jess making out with his new girlfriend. "That girl isn't even his type and..."

"Rory? What are you doing?" Mom asks her

"I'm ranting. You should recognize this. I learned it from you." Rory says

"Yeah, but you went to sookies wedding wit dean." I point out. "And then you ran off to have something with Jess."

"It was a kiss. Not a thing." Rory states

"A kiss is a thing." Mom tells Rory

"It wasn't planned. It just happened." Rory explains

"I can't believe it. All this time I've been thinking, 'she's with dean.'" Mom begins

"I am with dean." Rory adds

"Kissing another guy is not being with dean. Ask him. I bet you he'd back me up on that." Mom begins to raise her voice.

"It was nothing." Rory tells us

"Why are you freaking out then?" I question

"I'm not freaking out." Rory denies

"Kid, you have got to make up your mind." Mom suggests. "Jess, dean. Jess, Dean. It's enough already. If you want Jess, go get him. There he is. If you think that's the great love of your life, then great. Grab a liver treat and a squeaky toy and run to him. Don't worry about that girl, because I'm sure he will have moved in to somebody else in an hour. But do something. Dean has been sweet and supportive and incredibly patient, and now you're officially treating him like dirt. And I'm sorry, but not only is that not you, he doesn't deserve that. God, I wish they knew another song!"

"I know all this about dean."

"You do?" Mom asks

"Yes! I do. I know how great he is. I knew it before you did." Rory points out

"Knowing this has apparently not stopped you from dragging his heart all over this town." Mom scoffs

"Not fair!" Rory shouts

"Yes, fair. The fairest."

"I don't wanna talk about this." Rory says

"Okay, listen. If you don't want to be with dean anymore, cut him loose. Let him find someone who does. Because this is just so... wrong." I speak up in their argument.

"All right! I get it! Just stop!" Rory commands

"Rory." Dean comes over to us.

"Hi Dean." We all greet him as he and Rory hold each others hands.

"I thought your plane didn't get in until 6:00." Rory states

"I managed to get an earlier flight." Dean explains

"Well, I'm off to dinner with my parents." Mom adds in

"Do you..." dean starts

"She's off the hook." Mom says before he could finish. "You guys have all night to talk. Enjoy. Good to have you back, Dean."


"See you later." Mom walks away

"I best get going to my shift at Luke's. Bye Dean, bye Rory."

Later that day, I went round to mom and Rory's house to apologize to Rory.

I had no right to shout at her earlier, even though it was mom that was doing the shouting.

She had told me that she had decided that she loved dean and was completely in the wrong.

I just hugged her before being kicked in the bladder by the baby.

Me and Rory pulled apart, laughing as she had also felt the kick as my stomach was against hers.

We sat on the couch laughing and talking.

"I missed you while you were away." I admit to her. "Not only did I not have my sister, but I also didn't have my best friend, my other half."

"I missed you too, Tori. I really did." Rory kisses the side of my head.

This chapter was 1063 words!

That's the first official episode of season 3 complete!

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