107. Take the devilled eggs: part 3

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I knock on the door and wait for mom to reply.

"Uh, just — just a minute."

"It's me." I tell her

"Come in. Hi, there." Mom sighs as she sees me.

"Hi, there. Are you okay?"

"I've been better." Mom admits

"You rearranged her medicine cabinet?" I ask as I see the cabinet door open.

"Yes. And it's going to rock her world."

"Are you having a meltdown?" I ask her

"Pretty much." Mom reveals

"From something sherry said?"

"From everything sherry said." Mom states

"About Rory visiting her?"

"Okay, sure, we'll start there. As if Rory is gonna have free time to pal around with her. Rory will be in classes, does she know that?" Mom scoffs

"She was just asking." I point out

"And what was Rory doing agreeing to come over all the time?" Mom continues to rant

"I can't answer for Rory."

"And she had to have a girl. That kills me." Mom sighs

"That her baby is a girl?" I laugh slightly at what mom said.

"Yes, because I have girls. And she's just a copycat." Mom begins

"I had a girl. In fact, I'm more of a copycat because I had two like you." I point out

"Yeah, but they are my granddaughters and you are my daughter. Im happy you had girls." Mom adds before pausing. "'All I want is a ballerina.'"


"Poor things gonna pop out of her womb and land in a tutu." Mom states

"I hope not."

"And what is with that name — G.G?"

"It's a cute name." I say

"It is. Cause she's copying me there, too — Rory, tori, G.G, Rory, tori, G.G — they are all identical."

"They are not identical." I point out

"Two syllables, they rhyme. Tori, Rory, G.G."

"Oprah. Uma." I mock

"Don't mock." Mom sighs

"I'm trying to joke you down off that ledge."  I tell mom

"That music — god, that music." Mom complains

"Yeah, I'm with you on that. The music is driving me crazy too."

"They have been playing the same nondescript, soft, generic jazz for two straight hours. I mean, who is that playing that stupid saxophone?" Mom continues

"It's music you eat brunch to."

"Thank you for finally being on my side for something." Mom gives me a betrayed look.

"Mom, Im always in your side."

"She probably makes Christopher listen to that garbage. And then there's the whole thing go rearranging his CDs. I mean, to her, they are just identical little metal discs full of annoying sounds that you alphabetize like files in an office."

"Im with you on that, but you have got to calm down." I state

"I just want to rearrange her whole house." Mom shouts

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