79. It should've been Lorelai: part 3

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"Tori get the living room, Rory do your room, I'll get the kitchen." Mom commands as we run inside.

The house was a mess and needed cleaning before Sherrie and dad came.

"And upstairs?" Rory asks

"I'll body block the fool."

"Company is stressful." I complain

"Don't forget the garage. Sherrie will want to see the garage!" Mom shouts to me

"I'll hit it next." I tell mom as I begin yo run around tidying the living room.

But then I remember that I haven't told Tristan, so I run into the garage.

"As much as I love You not having a shirt on, dad decided to bring his girlfriend and now they are coming back here. So, we need to get the girls changed, and tidy up in here." I rush as I begin to pick stuff up from the floor. It wasn't much but it just needed a rush up.

I pick up Charlie from her crib whilst Tristan continues yo tidy up. "Hi Charlie, hi baby, can you please be good for mommy now. I need to quickly change you before they get here."

I grab a nice pair of clothes for her that will match Mia's and begin to put it on her.

"Good girl, now let me get your sister. Hi Mia." I kiss her head and sigh at how stressful this was. "Now, can you be a good girl like your sister."

"Tori, they are here!" Rory yells as she enters the garage. I pick up Mia and Tristan picks up Charlie and we start to walk into the house.

"Hi." I say as we enter the living room.

Dad shakes Tristan's hand and goes over to say hello to the girls.

"Sherrie, this is Tristan, my fiancé, Tristan, this is Sherrie." I introduce them both to each other and they shake each others hands.

"And I'm guessing these are the girls." Sherrie refers to the girls.

"Yes. This is Charlie, and this is Mia." I tell her

"Hello." She smiles at Charlie and Mia. "Their outfits are cute. Where did you get them from?"

"Oh, just a store from the local mall. They sell baby clothes, kids clothes, adult clothes." I explain

"We should go shopping there sometime for clothes or whatever." Sherrie tells me and Rory.

"Yeah. We could do that." Rory agrees

"Soon, okay?" Sherrie asks

"Sure." I agree too

"Hey, drinks. Who wants something to drink? I've got water, soda..." mom speaks up

"Uh, just water for me." Dad states

"Me too." Sherrie adds

"Making it easy. I love it." Mom gets up

"I'll help you." Sherrie says as she gets up and starts to follow mom into the kitchen.

"Oh, no. Well, okay — you don't have to help me." Mom stutters

"No, I want to." Sherrie insists

"Great." Mom says awkwardly and they wonder off into the kitchen.

"So, tori, Tristan, how are the twins? They've gotten so much bigger since I last saw them." Dad speaks up as he picks both girls up and they sit on his lap.

"They are both good. Both saying 'mama' and 'dada' now. Oh, and they have nearly got the crawling thing. Other than that, nothing has changed." I explain

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