42. The third lorelai

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"Everyone's awfully quiet tonight." Grandma states

"Sorry mom. I'm just tired." Mom explains

"Me too - school." Rory says

"Work." Mom continues

"Being pregnant." I add

"Life." Rory says

"Dig it man." Mom tells her

"Peace out Humphrey." I joke

"Mystery." Grandma states. "Well, this is just ridiculous, four intelligent women sitting here in complete silence. There must be something to talk about. Do you know that every night at dinner, the Kennedy clan would sit around the table having lively debates about everything under the sun? They would quiz each other about current events, historical facts, intellectual trivia. Now, the Gilmore clan is just as smart and worldly as the kennedys, so come on. So somebody, say something."

"Do you know that a butt model makes $10,000 a day?" Mom asks, jokingly and me and Rory laugh.

"Camelot is truly dead." Grandma says and there is another awkward pause. "Tori, how are the girls?"

"There fine. There kicking a lot recently." I reply

"Emily!" Grandpa shouts as he walks into the dining room.

"I'm here. Just follow the crickets." Grandma says, sarcastically.

"I am sorry I'm late, but I come bearing wonderful news." Grandpa tells us

"Siri, bring Mr Gilmore a plate." Grandma commands. She gets up to put grandpa napkin on his lap.

"I just got off the phone." Grandpa continues

"Would you like to change first?" Grandma asks grandpa

"No, no, no, I'm fine. So I-"

"-Siri, Mr Gilmore is hungry." Grandma cuts grandpa off.

"Emily, I am perfectly capable of putting a napkin on my lap."

"Alright, I'm sorry. You were on the phone..." grandma says

"Long distance." Grandpa states

"God?" Mom jokes


"God lives in London?"

"My mother lives in London." Grandpa explains

"Your mother is god?" I ask

"Lorelai, Victoria-" grandpa says, he used my full name!

"So, god is a woman." Mom smiles

"Lorelai-" grandpa repeats

"And a relative." I add

"That is so cool. I'm gonna totally ask for favors." Mom says

"Make them stop." Grandpa asks Rory

"Oh that I could."

"You spoke with you mother." Grandma says, hoping that grandpa would continue.

"Yes, I did. She's fine, she sends her love, and, she's coming to visit." Grandpa states

"What?" Grandma questions, speechless.

"You're kidding!"

"We're going to meet our great-grandma?" Rory asks

"Lorelai the first."

"When?" Grandma questions grandpa

"I was named after her." Mom tells me and Rory.

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