112. Staying in bed

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A/N: I'm just forewarning you, this will be a short chapter again, I'm sorry.

Today I was 40 weeks pregnant. Full term, my water could break any day at any minute. I've never been 40 weeks pregnant. With the girls, I only got to 37 weeks.

It was daunting, but we had everything ready. We had a crib, we had another car seat, we had clothes. My hospital bag was packed, everything was ready, except for the the baby.

He was not ready to come out. I had tried everything for him to come. I was sick and tired of being pregnant now and just wanted him out. We had one of those big balls that you bounce on to try and induce me, that wasn't working.

Apparently, eating spicy things was supposed to help. Long story short, it didn't.

We had an appointment with the doctor today and they were going to discuss everything.

"So, Victoria, you are 40 weeks today and still no signs of labor, correct?" She asks me

"Correct." I confirm

"I'm afraid It's too early to medically induce you, but there is one thing that can help induce you." She continues

"We have tried everything. I go on regular walks, I do exercises to try and help, I hear if you stay active, it helps." I explain

"That just might be the thing why he is not coming. Possibly, because you are doing too much activity. So, I am telling you to go on bed rest. I know it's not ideal, it's never ideal, but the sooner you do, the sooner he comes." She justifies and I give her a confused look.

"Bed rest? I can't go in bed rest." I panic

"Tori, you have to go in bed rest. You heard her." Tristan says

"Fine." I reluctantly agree

"Okay, well, if you have not had him within the next two weeks, we can medically induce you. Hopefully, it doesn't get to the point though. See you soon."

We get home and Tristan immediately commands me to go up to bed.

He brings me a glass of water, magazines, everything I could possibly need that meant I didn't need to go far to get it.

He told me the only time I needed to get up, is if I needed to go to the toilet. Even then though, he suggested that he picked me up and carried me.

I laid in bed, Tristan was downstairs making lunch with the girls, and called mom.

"Tori, what's wrong? Have you gone into labor yet?" Mom answers the phone, panicked.

"They put me on bed rest, mom!" I exclaim

"What?" She asked

"The doctor put me on bed rest until he comes. I can't be on bed rest. I mean, I have two toddlers that run around the house 24/7. I can't be on bed rest." I shout

"I'll come to you now, hon. You can explain more to me then." Mom tells me and hangs up.

Before long, she was sat next to me on the bed whilst I was complaining about me being on bed rest.

This was ridiculous, I genuinely did not leave the bed unless I had to go to the toilet.

Tristan was being such a big help and so were the girls. I think they understood that something big was going on and they weren't being such pains anymore.

Tristan was doing everything and I felt to bad but every time I would say thank you, or sorry, he would turn around and say that he was thankful. He was thankful for carrying our son. I would cry every single time he'd say that as I was so emotional and it was so sweet.

On the 12 December, mid morning, I got up to go to the toilet, and felt something drip down my legs.

My first thought was that I hadn't max sit to the toilet in time, but as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I knew that wasn't the case.

How exciting is this!!! He's coming!!!!

This was 714 words!

Okay, so I need your help. I have chosen a first name for the baby, but I'm struggling on a middle name. Do we go for Lucas, or Richard?

Victoria Gilmore - Gilmore Girls Where stories live. Discover now