103. Eight O'Clock at the oasis: part 1

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"And then the rabbit says, 'how about that schnitzel!'" Mom laughs. "Well?"

"Well What? There's no punchline." Rory points out

"That is the punch line." Mom explains

"'How about that schnitzel,' that's the punch line?" Rory questions

"Well, no, not when you say it like that."

"How should I say it?" Rory asks

"Like a punchline." Mom states

"'How about that schnitzel!'" Rory exclaims

"Oh, forget it." Mom mutters


"You ruined my joke." Mom tells Rory

"No, the punch line ruined your joke." Rory says



"You admit it's a punch line." Mom states

"Oh, my god." Rory whispers

"Ha! I am vindicated. 'How about that schnitzel' has officially been declared a punch line." Mom says

"A really bad punch line." Rory justifies

"No one asked for the Norton critical edition. All the schnitzel and I wanted was recognition and now we have it." Mom pauses before looking at me. "Hey, what's up with you? You're really quiet."

"No, everything is fine." I lie

"Come on, hon, we both know that's not the answer."

"Everything is Just so stressful." I admit. "I mean, I am getting no sleep. Between, the girls waking up in the night, this one kicking, not being comfortable, I am getting 0 hours of sleep. I feel like my school work has doubled over the last couple of weeks. Charlie and Mia won't leave me alone. I mean, we just have no time anymore. I'm nearly 30 weeks pregnant and we haven't gone shopping for baby stuff or anything."

"Woah. Calm down, babe. I know it's stressful, it will be, but you and Tristan can deal with it. I know you can. And why don't we go baby shopping on the weekend, or even tomorrow after school, I'll pick you up and we can go." Mom explains

"Okay, thank you mom." We walk into Luke's. "Man, it is packed in here."

"I guess we counter it." Rory suggests

"I guess we do." I agree

"What?" Luke sighs

"What do you know? Your face really can freeze that way." Mom jokes

"Are you okay?" Rory asks Luke

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm great. It's a bug, fat happy sunshine day for me." Luke replies, clearly lying.

"Business looks good." Mom points out, looking around the diner.

"Yeah, the place is packed."

"Sure, it's been taken over by the J. crew catalog." Luke states, pointing at the table full of parents and babies.

"Oh, look, babies." Rory exclaims

"They all asked me to join them when the girls were younger." I say

"Bob, the yellow ball." One of the moms command, what I'm guessing was her husband.

"Yellow ball, yellow ball, yellow ball. Ah, yellow duck." The father searches through the bag.

"Ball." She reminds him

"Yellow ball, yellow ball, yellow ball." He repeats

"Every weekend, the same stupid group comes in here, and take up all my tables and chairs they can get there hand in. And they do that. They sit, they stand. One person holds a kid, another person holds a kid. This guy runs in and out and back and forth. The other guy never takes his head out of that bag. The women can't figure out which kid is which, and they do it all morning, then order two iced teas to go, and that is it." Luke justifies

"I'm sure you are exaggerating." Mom tells him

"I am not exaggerating." Luke denies "Oh, now this is good. You see, Choo-Choo joe will not be working." Luke explains

"How do you know that?" I question

"Joe has not been working for the last six months. Personally, I don't think he's broken. I think he killed himself to get away from that family."

"Oh, now that kid is a major drooler." I say

"Yeah, it's like a fountain." Rory agrees with me

"Okay, that's it. They have to go." Luke huffs in annoyance

"It's just spit. Pretend you're at a baseball game." Mom tells him

"No, no, no. I've had enough. Let them go not spend money at Al's. I'm through." Luke comes out from behind the counter but stops and walks over to us. "Is that woman doing what I think she's doing?"

"Oh, well, I can't be 100% sure, but... oh, yeah, that is lunch." Mom tells Luke as we look to see a woman breastfeeding.

"Why? This is a public place, people are eating here." Luke exclaims

"They sure are." Rory smiles

"This cannot be sanitary." Luke continues

"You don't know where that thing has been." Mom says

"When did that become acceptable? In the old days, a woman would never consider doing that in public. They'd go find a barn or a cave or something. It's indecent. This is a diner, not a peep show. I mean, tori, you have babies, and you do... that." Luke points behind him. "But you don't do it here."

"Yeah, I Don't. That's because I don't want to be flashing people in public. I mean, babies have to be fed, but put it in a bottle." I explain

"Consider making it a combo. You could charge more for your cheeseburgers. Of course, no one would ever feel the same ordering a glass of milk again." Mom begins

"I have to do something. I just can't stand here and let the lactating continue." Luke mutters

"Luke." Mom hits him

"Gross!" Me and Rory exclaim

"Gross? Im not the one exposing myself for the entire world to see. That's it." Luke begins to walk over but turns back around. "You go make her stop."

"I'm not going over there. If anything, tori should be the one going over there. She does the same thing after all."

"Mom! I'm not going over there, I'm still a child, I shouldn't have to see that." I shiver in disgust.

"Why not? You are women." Luke points out the obvious.

"So what?" Me and mom ask

"So you have the same parts."


"You shouldn't be scared of it." Luke continues

"Scared of it? You're gonna be a bachelor for a really long time." Mom jokes

"I am being taken advantage of here, and I do not like being taken advantage of. I hate this." Luke shouts and Jess comes down the stairs. His eyes go straight to the lady and he groans and runs back upstairs. "Okay, well, that was kind of fun." Luke admits and We all laugh at Jess.

The following day after school, mom takes me to the mall and we go shopping. We got so many clothes for him. We got blankets, and a stuffed teddy for him. We even got his crib today.

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