102. One's got class, the other one dyes

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"So, I think I'm in touch with the other side." Mom tells me and Rory. We were sat having dinner at Luke's.

"The other side of..." Rory asks

"The other side." Mom states

"With republicans?" I question

"No, lately, I've been having these dark premonitions." Mom continues

"Oh, about what?"

"Dead cow. Dead cow. Dead cow." Luke places a burger in front of me, Rory and mom.

"That's weird." Mom whispers

"He's always weird." Rory points out

"No, I mean, my premonitions have been about death. About my death." Mom explains

"I don't want to hear this." I say and frown, whilst beginning to eat my burger.

"And the thing is, they're all silly." Mom adds

"What do you mean, silly?"

"In one, I slip on a banana peel and fall into a vat of whipped cream." Mom begins

"Silly and fattening." I say

"In another, a turtle eats me. Very slowly. There's lots of chewing." Mom continues

"And in your premonition, you didn't think to run away from what is perhaps the slowest land animal on the earth?" Rory questions

"His first bite injects me with immobilizing poison." Mom explains

"Well you left that part out."

"Now, this last one is a little more gory. I'm out hunting—" mom starts

"—A favorite Lorelai Gilmore pastime." I joke

"And my shotgun backfires. My whole face spins around a bunch a times and winds up in the back of my head like Daffy Duck!" Mom tells us

"That's the silliest one yet." Rory states

"Now, you girls have to promise to move my face back to the front of my head like daffy did with his beak."

"I should be writing this down." I suggest

"You can remember to move my face to the front of my head." Mom says

"Yeah, but being pregnant makes me really forgetful." I justify

"Hello, stars hollow! Are you ready to rock?" Lane shouts as she enters Luke's.

"Let me guess — Band Practice tonight?" Mom questions

"Yes, we're going to learn our fourth song. That's practically a set." Lane comes and sits down at the spare chair.

"Mmm! I'm impressed." Mom tells her

"Once we have a set, we'll get a gig, and once we get a gig, we'll get a record deal." Lane explains. "And then after we get that, we'll get really famous and give all of these interviews about how horrible it is to be really famous and how all we care about is the music, and fame is gonna tear us apart. It's gonna be great!" Lane exclaims

"And rehearsing in the music shops been working out?" Mom asks

"It's totally time efficient. Being a 30 second commute, we practice for two hours, I'm home in time to watch reruns of Johnny Yune's talk show with my mom, who thinks I hooked up with you guys, which I did, so I'm not even lying." Lane justifies

"Well, you are kinda lying." Mom points out

"I'm fibbing. But a fib is not a lie."

"I'd say it's a fib/lie." Mom states

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