117. Dear Emily and Richard: Part 1

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"Mom, I swear. It was aunt Marine." Mom tells grandma z

"Aunt marine would never hike up her skirt in public." Grandma denies

"She would after half a gallon of eggnog." Mom states

"Richard, who got drunk at our Christmas party and hiked up her skirt in front of the town and country photographer?" Grandma asks grandpa

"I'm sorry. Did you say something?" Grandpa asks as he looks up from his newspaper.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. Hi, grandma. Hi, grandpa." Rory comes running in and Tristan follows her.

"Hi Richard, hi Emily. I'm sorry I'm late, the bus was delayed." Tristan explains. "Hi baby." He leans down and kisses me before kissing the girls on the head and picking up Jack.

"Hi Rory, hi Tristan." Grandpa says with a smile.

"Mom, I stopped by the bookstore on the way here." Rory tells mom, searching frantically in her bag.

"You got them?" Mom questions

"Got what?" Grandma asks

"Rory and I are starting to plan our Europe trip." Mom explains

"The day after graduation, we are gone." Rory adds

"Well, that sounds exciting."

"Lorelai, what are these?" Grandma asks, searching through the books.

"Those are guidebooks."

"'Europe through the back door', 'the rough guide to Europe.' — what kind on guide books are these?"

"The cheap kind." Mom grins

"They have all the good information about backpacking and hostels." Rory states

"Backpacking and staying in hostels?!" Grandma exclaims

"Who's backpacking and staying in hostels?" Grandpa questions

"We are." Mom says, pointing between her and Rory before grandma and grandpa start laughing.

"What a ridiculous thought." Grandpa chuckles

"We are. We're going to backpack around Europe." Rory tells them

"Yes, I know it's fun to tease your grandmother, dear. They're going to backpack across Europe, Richard."

"I heard, sounds delightful. Perhaps we should join them." Grandpa jokes

"That sounds wonderful. Tomorrow I'll go buy some cutoffs." Grandma sarcastically says

"Guys, we're not kidding."

"You're telling me you're seriously going to traipse around Europe with your possessions strapped to your back and sleep in a room with 30 other people?" Grandma questions

"Yes." Mom smiles

"No. It's not safe. I forbid it. Call our travel agent." Grandpa suggests

"But we want to be spontaneous. Jump a train to Paris. Head off to Spain." Rory says

"But it's raining in Spain. But since the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain..." mom continues

"Looks like Italy for us." Rory states

"Mamma Mia."

"You can still travel around aimlessly and stay in a decent hotel." Grandpa points out

"We wanna do it cheap."

"We'll pay." Grandma offers

"Grandma it's going to be fun."

"Kids do this all the time." Mom adds

"You're not a kid. You're a grown woman."

At this point I had zoned out of the conversation.

I hated the fact I couldn't go to Europe with them. We had spoken about it since me and Rory were like ten but I looked over to see Tristan holding Jack and the girls cuddled into Tristan's side and them thoughts disappeared.

"Tori, Tristan, do you have any plans for the summer?" Grandma asks, snapping me out of whatever I was in.

"We were going to just stay in stars hollow because we thought Jack was still too young to fly on a plane but it turns out they can fly any age after three weeks so we've decided to England for a week or two. Spend a few nights in London. Tristans friend Logan is staying at his family's home for a few nights there so we'll stay with him. We'll head up north somewhere for a few days. We might even spend a few nights somewhere like Paris. We'll decide when we're there."

"That sounds wonderful." Grandma says and grandpa hums in agreement.

"Logan Huntzberger by any chance?" Grandpa asks Tristan

"Yeah, Logan huntzberger. We grew up together because our families were, and still are, really close."

"That's amazing. I know Logan's father, Mitchum, quite well. Nice man." Grandpa states

"You're not backpacking through England are you?" Grandma panics

"No grandma, not with three children." I laugh, imagining how hectic it would be.


I had just come back from taking the girls to Luke's and for a walk when I walk in the house and Tristan was laughing as he stood there with something in his hand.

"I'm so sorry, babe." He says, still laughing his head off.

"Why, what's wrong? Where's Jack?"

"Jacks asleep in his crib but you've had an invite to sherry's c section." He says, giggling as the girls join in, obviously not understanding anything about what he's just said. Tristan hands me the invitation as my jaw drops.

"An invite to her c section. That's ridiculous! Should I go? God, I don't know what to do. It's weird, Georgia's like my sister."

"Tori, Georgia is your sister." Tristan points out.

"I guess I should go. It would be nice to meet Georgia the night she's born. I'll see what Rory's doing."

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