99. Application anxiety

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"So, who are you doing for your essay?" I ask Rory.

Rory had gotten her Harvard application and included in that, she has to write an essay on an inspiration of her.

With Rory getting her application, I couldn't help but feel even more emotional. I couldn't help but feel envious.

"Hilary Clinton." Rory responds

"Good choice." I tell her. "You'll get in."

"How do you know?" Rory questions. I could tell Rory was nervous.

"I just do. You are smart Rory. Any college that doesn't accept you is just stupid." I reassure her

"Thanks, Tor. I know it's hard for you." Rory hugs me and we go out separate ways to class.

"Everybody, this is a seminar called 'the business of getting in.' It's goal is to help guide us through the tortuous process of applying to and getting into the right college. My panelists are Jim romaine, admissions officer at Princeton university, and Ivy League colleg consultant rose Samuels. Welcome, Panel." Paris begins

"Yes, welcome." Rory adds

"Now, panel, you're addressing a group of kids just beginning the stressful process of applying to college. Question — What is the biggest mistake a person can make on his or her application? Mr Romaine?" Paris continues

"Well, forgetting to send it in would be the worst mistake." He jokes. "But perfunctory answers would be high on my list."

"Explain." Paris suggests

"I'm talking about run of the mill responses, a lack of originality, particularly in the essay category. If I read one more over adulating piece of prose about Hillary Clinton and her profound influence, my head will explode." He explains and I look at Rory and her eyes widen.

"I hear that. Sometimes a mistake like that comes from writing what one thinks an admission officer wants to read, and sometimes it's just a lack of original thought." Rose adds in

"Personal anecdote. When I was twelve and I was writing the first of my trial essays I'm practice for the day I really would. I chose Hillary Clinton. Then I realised, every brain dead bint in a skirt would be writing about Hillary, but it's good to clear the pipes. Now, what stage some other mistakes?" Paris asks.

I kind of dozed off in my own world. I didn't really need to hear this, I won't be going to college.

After what felt like hours, it finally finished. We all clapped and then got dismissed.

I didn't go to Friday night dinner as I felt like crap.

I was tired and felt nauseous and I just wanted my bed.

The girls wouldn't stop crying and eventually I started crying with them.

They finally went to sleep and as soon as I entered mine and Tristan's room, I sighed and fell onto the bed. I laid there for a while before starting to cry.

"What's wrong baby?" Tristan comes to cuddle me.

"Everything is Just so stressful." I justify

"I know it is. They will soon snap out of it. I mean, they are at that age."

"We are going to have another one soon and we can't even deal with two." I continue to cry. The hormones made it worse.

"It will be okay." Tristan reassures me, rubbing my back.

"Young ladies, in anticipation of your tardiness, we saved three seats for you right there in the back." Taylor tells me, Rory and mom. We were late for the town meeting purely because Mia would cry every time I gave her to Tristan and mom and Rory decided to wait for me. They had told me all about the lunch they had with this alumni for Harvard.

"Thanks for thinking of us, Taylor." Mom says and leads me and Rory to three seats at the front. "Whoo! Okay, raise yo ur hand if you bathed in cologne."

"In the interest of getting home some time tonight, I'd like to bring up the final point of business, and that is a certain citizens desire to open an old fashioned Soda Shop in town." Taylor continues

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." Luke gets up out of his chair whilst Babette asks who it is. "What other Putz would want to open an old fashioned soda shop?"

"Dispense with the Yiddish young man." Taylor tells Luke.

"This is not a town matter. This is a private matter between you and me, which we settled when I said no." Luke explains

"This is a town matter. Because when this town is in need of particular business to provide necessary services, it's up to the town to band together and lure it." Taylor states

"How does a stupid soda shop count as a necessary business?" Luke asks

"Allow me to show you something that will make you wonder how we ever lives without it. Kirk, if you will." Kirk gets out of his chair and pushes a cart to the front. "Kirk, I told you to get something decorative to cover it."

"My mom wouldn't let me use one of her nice tablecloths, so I just grabbed a sheet from my hamper." Kirk justifies

"Take it Off." Taylor commands

"What's that, a toy?" Luke asks

"Oh, it's awfully cute." Miss patty speaks up

"That is a professionally manufactured diorama of the proposed business." Taylor explains

"Wow. There is little people and everything." I point out

"They look so real." I hear Sookie agree

"Hey! It's me, holding the tiny zucchini!" Jackson exclaims

"Look at the horse drawn carriage." Mom tells me and Rory.

"My thought was to park it out front with the name of the business on the side. It's very 1800s." Taylor adds

"The horse is taller than the front door!" Babette points out

"Way taller." Mom says

"What are you up to, Taylor? Are you breeding giant horses?" Luke questions

"It's slightly out of proportion." Taylor admits

"Slightly? That little guy there could walk right under the horse without even ducking." Babette says

"You're missing the big picture here townsfolk! Now this wonderful business belongs in stars hollow, whether Luke rents the space willingly or not." Taylor shouts

"How would I not rent it willingly?"

"I'm talking about eminent domain, my friend. Check the towns bylaws. If a 3/4 majority find it necessary to use a space for a specific function, the landowner must concede." Taylor continues

"That's for taking over houses to turn into hospitals during a national emergency like the civil war. If you wanna turn this place into a civil war hospital, be my guest." Luke shouts but I rest my head on moms shoulder and try to fall asleep. I was so tired.

I was then rudely disrupted by Taylor yelling that they had the soda shop and everyone clapping.

Mom then turns to me and kisses my head before we get up. I groan in response but make our way outside. Mom stops to talk to Luke.

I make my way straight back home and fall asleep the moment I get into bed.

The following morning, mom calls to say that her and Rory were hanging out today and it wasn't the same without me. We agreed that I could bring the girls and so we hung out for the rest of the day.

We walked past Luke and Taylor arguing about the new soda shop and me, mom and Rory all just look at each other before smiling.

Mom then wraps her arms around me and Rory and we continue to walk around town.

I asked her if we could use the inn for the wedding and she agreed. Luckily, there was no one staying that weekend otherwise we couldn't have done it there. We also agreed that all of the rooms could be for guests and that mom would look after the girls for the night of the wedding.

I was so beyond excited that me and Tristan get married in only a matter of two weeks!

This chapter was 1329 words!

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