75. A-tisket, A-tasket: part 1

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Not proof read!

Tomorrow was a special event in stars hollow. Every few years, the women of stars hollow would create a lunch and put it in a picnic basket, and the men would bid on it.

Me, mom and Rory had done it since the year we moved here. It was tradition, and I couldn't wait to start doing it with Tristan, Charlie and Mia.

"So, I've decided I'm saving myself for William Holden." Mom tells me and Rory.

We were walking, yes I said walking, not hopping, I got my cast off a couple of days ago, round Doose's market trying to find baskets.

"Wow, it's nice out here in left field." I state

"'Sunset Boulevard' was on last night. I've known him for years — 'Sabrina,' 'stalag 17' — and yet, let's night, something snapped. I think it was the monkey scene." Mom explains

"You know, he's dead, don't you?" Rory points out

"The monkey?" Mom asks

"William Holden." I state

"Uh, every great relationship has its obstacles. You know that if you weren't dating Andy hardy." Mom jokes

"This one?" Rory holds up a big basket.

"No. It's too big. It raises expectations." Mom justifies

"Like there's a home cooked lunch in there?"

"Instead of whatever's left over in our refrigerator? Exactly." Mom smiles

"Okay. Going back on the pile now." Rory laughs

"It's quaint, isn't it? The women make a nice lunch basket, the men get to bid on it, the world rotates backwards on its axis." Mom sighs

"I think it's fun." I admit

"That's because you have a pretty boy to bid on your basket." Mom smirks at me

"Yes, I do." I agree

"You told him to eat first?" Mom questions me

"No." I reveal

"What? You Are cooking?"

"No. Of course not. I'm going to get Luke's and put it in the basket." I say in a 'duh' tone. "I'm gonna go look in the back."

"I'll come with." Rory tells us and we walk away.

We go to the back but Rory spots dean and so I just walk away. I didn't want to be a third wheel as they were flirting none stop.

"You know what's wonderful about this festival?" Mom questions me, and Rory.

"No, what?"

"It always falls in the day after trash day. Therefore, all the stuff that you forgot to throw out, that you'd normally be stuck with for another week, you can instead put in a pretty basket and auction off for charity." Mom rambles

"That is wonderful." I reply sarcastically

"Okay. I've got it all worked out. I invited my cousin David to come and bid on my basket — to keep my mother happy. Then, we he gets there we tell my mom we're gonna eat over at the park, where Henry is gonna call at 2:00 for the 'all is clear' sign. Then David, with the 20 bucks I gave him will disappear, Henry will arrive, and we'll have our first official date." Lane explains as she walks up behind us.

"My head is spinning." Mom Jokes

"Stash this for me, okay?" Lane asks us

"Don't you need this for David to bid on?" I point out

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