7. The deer hunters: part 1

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"Shopping for school supplies- party!" Mom says whilst we head inside the supermarket.

"Nobody demanded that you came." I said to her.

"Are you kidding? How often do you get to do things like this? I was thinking, while we're going crazy, we should get some toilet paper and plunger next." Mom says

"Well do this later." Rory says to her

"No, I'm teasing. Get them lists of yours."

"Okay, we need legal pads."

"Got it."

"Tons of pens." I say


"Some number 2 pencils, three highlighters, an eraser, a stapler remover and a folder." Rory says

"You need three highlighters?" Mom asks



"Yes mom." I say

"That's a very random number."

"Three is not a random number" Rory says

"I mean like how did you get to the number three?"

"One dries up, one gets lost, we have one left." I say

"Wow! You two have really thought this through."

"Yes we have"

"Okay, what came first the chicken or the egg."

"Can we get back to the list please." Rory said

"The egg, clearly. Oh and it's not like I have actually spent time thinking this." I said whispering to mom.

"Alright. Hey, legal pads."

"Nope those are purple." Rory says quickly

"Purple is festive."

"We can't have purple, we go to a serious school now, we need serious paper." I say to mom

"Paper is paper."

"Not at Chilton." Rory says to mom trying to prove our point

"Alright here's your serious paper."

"Thank you."

"Ooh and here are your somber highlighters, your maudlin pencils, your manic depressive pens." Mom says mocking our serious stationary.

"Mom." Me and Rory both complain.

"Now these erasers are on lithium, so they seem cheerful, but we actually caught them trying to shove themselves in the pencil sharpener." Mom says carrying on.

"Okay we're going home." I say and take Rory's arm.

"No wait. We're gonna stage an intervention with the neon post-its and make them give up their wacky, crazy ways." Mom says

"You are never coming shopping with us again." Rory says, taking my exact thoughts.

We were in Mr Medina's class and getting back our test results.

"Decent effort by most. Good effort by some, exceptional effort by two. Miss geller, miss grant. Mr graham, miss Gilmore, miss Gilmore, take these home. Learn from your mistakes." Mr Medina says whilst looking at me and Rory. "Look at the large red circles around various parts of your paper as friendly reminders that to error is human and that here at Chilton we try to beat that humanity out of you. Okay. Next up, the test. The dreaded test. Shakespeare, the man we have been droning on about for the last three weeks. Finally comes back to haunt us on Friday. This is a big one my friends, multiple choice with an essay section that will count for 20 percent of your grade this semester. Don't be fooled by my kind face and charming personality. This test will be hard and there will be no Make-ups." Just then the bell goes, I hadn't noticed that it had gone as I was in complete shock that I had gotten a D. I had never gotten a D before.

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