17. Meeting

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This morning, me and mom were going to meet with headmaster Charleston to see what will occur at Chilton with my pregnancy.

"Tori, hon, we'll leave at the same time as Rory so hurry up!" Mom shouts from the upstairs hall.

"I'm sorry, it's not my fault that i won't stop throwing up!" I shout back

"I know hon, do you need any help?" Mom asks me

"Can you please just get me some water, I'm really thirsty." I politely ask

"Sure, meet you downstairs."

I walk over to my closet and think about what to wear. After a while of thinking, I decided to go simple and wear a baby pink sweater and jeans.

I then feel like I am gonna throw up so I run to the bathroom.

"Ugh, I am sick and tired of the morning sickness." I groan as I walk down the stairs.

"I know hon, it will go in a couple of weeks though." Mom says as she kisses my head. "Here's your water."

"Thanks mom"

"We have to leave in 5 minutes so be all ready. Hey Rory, remember that I'm driving you to school today as I have a meeting with the headmaster." Mom says as she walks through to Rory's room.

"Does that mean that we're not going to Luke's?" Rory asks

"Oh, of course we are!" Mom exaggerates. "Now hurry up! We need to go."

I'm nervous about going to Luke's as Luke has probably heard the news and he was like my dad so I didn't want to let him down.

"Lucas." I say as normal as we walk through the doors to Luke's.

"Victoria. Hey, I overheard miss Patty talking. You're like a daughter to me and so I would like to go beat up that Tristan but I know how much he makes you happy so I won't, but always know that I am here." Luke says calmly

"Thanks Luke." I say going behind the counter to hug him.

"Hey, it's not you're shift yet so why are you behind the counter." He says sternly.

"Yeah but it will be at 1, so not much of a difference."

"Okay, I'll allow you to be here. Go ask your mother and sister if they would like coffee. I know you can't have coffee but I can do you a nice hot chocolate if you want." He asks

"Aww, that will be nice, thanks Luke and I already know that mom and Rory want coffee, they always do." I respond

"Okay, go bring it to them. Here's your hot chocolate too." He says and hands me the cups.

"Okay, see you for my shift. Bye Luke." I say and walk away.

"Hey, I got to go cups as we will be late other wise."

"Okay, thanks hon." Mom says as we make our way to the car.

"I'm nervous about the meeting. What about if they kick me out. Oh god, there gonna kick me out. They can't have a pregnant girl ruin there reputation. Are they gonna kick Tristan out too. I bet they-" I ramble on

"-they won't hon. I'll make sure of it." Mom cuts me off.

"Okay, thank you mom." I say and the car goes silent.

We eventually got to Chilton, after about 35 minutes in the car.

We said goodbye to Rory and then headed for the Ambrose building.

"Hi, um, we are here for a meeting with headmaster Charleston." I say to old lady at the desk.

"Yes, he has been waiting for you. Through the double doors." She replies

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