113. Here he comes!

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On the 12 December, mid morning, I got up to go to the toilet, and felt something drip down my legs.

My first thought was that I hadn't managed to get to the toilet in time, but as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I knew that wasn't the case.

"Tristan!" I yell, no answer though. "Tristan!"

"Yeah?" He runs up the stairs.

"My water just broke." I tell him as he comes into the room.

"So, it's time?" He asks, slightly panicked.

"It's time." I confirm

"Wow. He's really coming?" Tristan questions

"He's really coming." I wince in pain as a contraction hits. "Can you go drop the girls off. Babette and Morey knew it could be any day now. I'll call my mom too."

Tristan then packs a bag full of everything Charlie and Mia will need and I say goodbye to them before they go.


"Tori, hon, what is it?" Mom asks

"He's coming. Tristan's just gone to drop Charlie and Mia off. Once he comes back, we're going to the hospital." I explain

"Okay, babe, I'll be right there. Let me just tell Sookie." Mom tells me. She was clearly at work as I could hear Michel complaining in the background.

Tristan comes back within 10 minutes and starts loading the car with hospital bags that we were gonna need.

Not long after, mom arrived too.

"Hi, soon to be mommy again." Mom hugs me just as she does another contraction hits. I groan in pain, knowing that this could go on for a while. "I know it hurts, hon."

Before long, we were in the hospital waiting room, signing into the maternity ward.

At least I actually know the answers to all of the questions on the sign in paper, unlike last time.

They take us through to a private room and give me a gown.

A needle to give me fluids was inserted on my wrist and belts were placed on my stomach to monitor his heart rate.

The contractions were so much more painful than I remembered. Every contraction that I had, I was wincing in pain.

Tristan kept by side. Rubbing my back, kissing my cheek, encouraging me.

By, 5:00, I was 4 cm dilated.

Rory had come to visit and was now walking around the hospital trying to find a decent vending machine.

I managed to get a couple of hours of sleep.

After 11 hours of labor, I was making progress and was now 7 cm dilated. 3 more and he would be here.

With the pain I was in, nearly crying due to it, they decided to give me an epidural earlier than expected.

I didn't care how much pain I was in, I just kept thinking about how soon my baby boy would be in my arms.

"9 cm dilated, Victoria. Maybe he'll be born before midnight."

"Really? Oh, thank god. I just need him out." I sigh. I was really tired now. It was 10:30 and I was warm and I was sweating.

"Are You Ready, hon?" Mom asks me

Rory had gone home and Tristan was going to get a drink from a vending machine or the canteen before it was time.

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