68. Run away little boy: part 2

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A/N: this chapter will miss half of the episode because of the fact that the episode is about Tristan coming over to stars hollow and dean being there the whole entire rehearsals. However, if you hadn't noticed, I'm hoping you have, Tristan is with tori. So, yeah storyline doesn't add up. It will skip straight to the play.

"Hey." Me and Rory greet Madeline and Louise as we enter the hall.

Today was a weird day as for the first time since the girls were born, me and Tristan were both at school. He had gone to speak to our teacher though as he hadn't been enrolled as part of the assignment.

Mom had offered to take them to work with her. She had no meeting planned and there was no event at the inn so she asked us if she could look after them.

"Hey." Madeline and Louise say back.

"Where's Paris?" Rory asks

"She'll be here in a minute. She had to get some things." Madeline explains

"Hi. I'm Tori, this is my sister, Rory." I introduce us to a big sitting at our table.

"I'm Brad, from the third period Shakespeare." Brad tells us

"He's the answer to our lack of boys problem. Isn't that swell?" Louise justifies

"Well, maybe we should start." Rory suggests

"Without Paris?" Madeline questions

"That could be lethal." Louise states

"We could at least decide on what motif we wanna do." I add

"We are doing traditional Elizabethan." Paris speaks up, walking into the hall carrying a box.

"Elizabethan? But I thought the point of this was—" Rory begins

"—The point of this is to get an A, not make Romeo and Juliet into a Vegas lounge act. Besides, We have the death scene. It's classic. Its famous. Who are you?" Paris asks Brad.

"I'm, uh, Brad... from the third period Shakespeare... ma'am." Brad stutters

"Okay. I want everyone to read the chapters on acting I photocopied out of house and memoirs tonight. Everyone will be off book by Friday. If you plan on missing rehearsal, you better bring a coroners note." Paris starts as she takes out props, including a sword.

"Please say you didn't just have that lying around." I say as I eye the sword.

"We're short on boys. That makes you Romeo." Paris tells Brad. "Louise, you can play the Friar."

"Excuse me?" Louise gasps

"Well, well, the gangs here." Tristan comes and takes a seat next to me. Kissing my cheek in the mean time.

"This is a meeting." Paris points out

"Yeah, sorry im Late. Professor Anderson forgot to include me when she made up the groups so she told me to pick one and this one had tori in it. So, of course, I was going to pick this one." Tristan explains as I take his hand and join our fingers together.

"That's perfect. We now have our Romeo and our Juliet." Louise points at me and Tristan.

"No." Paris states

"She right, Paris. Tristan and tori were born to play Romeo and Juliet." Madeline backs Louise up.

"Hey. I'm the director, and I'll decide who's born to be what, and Brad is Romeo, and tori is not Juliet." Paris snaps

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Louise mutters

"What did you say?" Paris asks Louise

"Just perhaps that someone is letting her personal feelings interfere with her leadership." Louise explains

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