18. Love & war & snow: part 1

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"Hey mom, Rory, come here." I shout excitedly.

I am about 8 weeks pregnant now, 2 months! I have my scan tomorrow as well, I am excited to see my baby.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Mom asks panicked.

"Is it just me or is there a bump?" I ask looking at my stomach sideways in the mirror.

"Aww, hon, you've got a bump! Rory come look at this!" Mom says and hugs me.

"I'm only 8 weeks though, I shouldn't have a bump just yet." I say

"What is it?" Rory questions as she walks through to my room.

"Your sister has a bump." Mom explains

"Oh my god! Tori! You're proper showing!" Rory squeals

"Yeah, I don't know why though, I'm only 8 weeks." I repeat

"We've got the town meeting remember and it's going to be about that war thing so Luke will get mad, there will be so much drama." Mom explains happily.

"I am all ready to go." I say as we walk downstairs.

"Come on then."

"I promise that we will hear you." Miss Patty says.

We were at the town meeting. Mom had gone to get some food and me and Rory were sat down waiting.

"We've been hearing you for 20 minutes." A man called Andrew shouts.

"Excuse me, Andrew, but some of us have businesses to run that don't involve peddling drug paraphernalia to kids." Taylor replies

"It was a lava lamp Taylor." Andrew says, clearly annoyed.

"There is no use for a lava lamp sunless you're on drugs."

"These town meeting are hilarious." I say to Rory who is just laughing.

"They really are." She responds just as mom comes back.

"What did I miss?" Mom asks us as she hands us our drinks and Hot Dogs.

"Taylor wants the no parking zone in front of his store removed." I begin

"He says his customers are being unfairly ticketed." Rory continues

"No, it's just because he wants to park there all day." Mom explains

"Genius." Me and Rory both mutter

"I have been mayor of this fine town for a long time. I tend to think of all of you as my children." Mayor Harry begins to say and mom nudges me and Rory. "Unfortunately, sometimes, children have to be disciplined. Now, I'm gonna say something, and I'm only gonna say it once. We have leash laws people."

"Daddy's getting angry." Mom whispers

"Rover will not leash himself." Harry says

"Good point." I say and mom and Rory agree.

"I would like to now move on to something of even greater importance. As you all know, this coming Friday is the anniversary of the legendary battle of stars hollow." He says and everybody claps except for Luke.

"Where's Luke?" Mom asks us

"There" Rory points to him.

Harry goes on to say more about the reenactment but the three of us focus on Luke.

"He's turning red." Rory points out.

"He's shifting in his seat." I say

"He's adjusting his cap." Rory says

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