85. Grandma and grandpa

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"We can't get married." I reveal to Tristan.

"What? Why?" Tristan asks

I was making breakfast in our kitchen and the girls were in their high chairs whilst Tristan was feeding them.

"I need my mom at the wedding." I explain

"As long as I marry You, I don't care when or where we get married." Tristan kisses my head as he puts the plates in the sink to wash them.

"Thank you for understanding." I say and begin crying.

"Hey, hey, why are you crying?" Tristan questions as he hugs me.

"I don't know. It's just that we have waited months for the wedding and now we have to postpone it. Now I have to call everyone and tell them that it's postponed. And maybe it's the hormones, but I'm just feeling so sad at the moment." I continue to cry.

"It's okay, tori. You are carrying a baby, you're expected to feel loads of emotions at the moment." Tristan crouches down and lifts up my shirt and stops at the top of my stomach. "Hey, I don't know what to call you yet. We need a nickname." Tristan tells me as he looks back up.

"How about orange?" I suggest. "I've eaten so many oranges already."

"Orange it is." He looks back at my stomach. "Hi orange, it's your daddy. Now, can you please stop making your mommy so emotional and sick, she's not very happy at the moment and it would just make her feel better if you weren't making her cry all the time." Tristan looks back at me and kisses me.

"It's not the baby's fault though. It's just me, everything is just falling out of place." I explain. "Tristan, I don't know if we are going to cope with three children. Especially as we are still in school. We'll have three children to look after whilst doing homework and extra credit work. It might get to the point where I have to drop out. That is the last thing I want to do. At the moment it's okay, but with an extra child? It's just so stressful and I don't know what to do. I constantly feel like crap and I can't stop throwing up and I haven't gone to school in four days, we are going to have to have a meeting with headmaster Charleston soon and he might kick me out. Then we have to tell my grandparents, I don't know how that is going to go. I just don't know what to do." I breakdown

"It will be alright." Tristan hugs me and whisper in my ear.

"You keep saying that but what if it isn't? What if we can't deal with three children. What if I do get kicked out of school? I won't graduate and then I probably won't get a good job. I want to work for a designer company or even make my own company in fashion. Or even play soccer. I won't be able to do that. I love Charlie and Mia so much, and I'll love this baby as much as physically possible but it just — I didn't want this at this moment in time." I stress.

"I know it will because you are so strong. You are one of the strongest women I have met. You have gone through so much in only a little period of time. You are so strong tori, and you don't realize it." Tristan states and I continue to cry. "Come here." He wraps his arms around me. "I love you so much, Victoria. We'll get through this. Just think, we'll get to have another baby. Our baby. The girls will be big sisters. Think of that."

"I know. I love you too Tristan."

"Hi grandma, can me and Tristan come visit you and grandpa later? We have something to tell you and I think it needs to be said in person." I ask grandma on the phone.

"That's fine, tori. What time do you expect you'll be coming?"

"Around 4 grandma, if that doesn't suit you, we can change it." I explain

"No, that is fine. I'll get your grandpa to come as well."

"Thank you grandma, see you later." I tell her and out the phone down. "Okay. So at 4, we'll go round and tell them. I don't know how they are going to take it. As Long as We're engaged they'll be fine. That's why they weren't happy about mom being pregnant, because her and my dad weren't engaged or married. We are, so I don't think they'll mind."

"Let's hope so." Tristan says. "I think they'll take it okay. They love the girls, so they'll live this one."

"Yeah, but I thought the same thing with mom and look how that turned out. You know, I am still so angry with mom."

"I know you are. You cross the road every time you see her in town." Tristan points out

"That's because I'm scared that I'll start shouting at her and then I'll start crying and forgive her all because of hormones and mood swings, and let me tell you, I really don't want to forgive her." I sigh

"I know." Tristan rubs my back.

"Hi grandma." I hug her as me, Tristan and the girls walk through the door. Well, the girls in their stroller, not walking.

"Hi tori, Tristan. What brings you here then?" Grandma asks as she hugs Tristan and bends down to smile at the girls.

"Can we sit down for a minute first?" I suggest

"Yes, of course, we'll wait for Richard too. Richard? They are here!" Grandma shouts

"Okay, I'll just be a minute." I hear grandpa yell

Grandma leads us through to the living room and we sit down for a minute before grandpa walks in.

"Good evening tori, Tristan, Charlie, Mia." Grandpa greets us

"Don't forget the other baby, Richard." Grandma smirks

"What other baby?" I question

"The one in your stomach." Grandma shrugs, still with a smile on her face.

"Wha — how did you know?" I ask, speechless.

"You practically told us, Tori. News that was so important that you had to come all the way here. It couldn't be that your engaged, none of you are sick, so it had to be a pregnancy." Grandpa explains

"Okay, so, yes, I'm pregnant." I admit

"Congratulations tori, Tristan." Grandma and grandpa get up to hug us.

"Thank you grandma and grandpa." I tell them

"Thank you Emily and Richard." Tristan says

"May I ask why you are not angry?" I question

"You two are already such good parents with the girls. You both are so strong, it makes the Gilmore name strong too." Grandpa jokes

"Thank you grandpa." I laugh. "There's also one more thing that we have to discuss."

"What is it dear?"

"Mom and me aren't on talking terms at this moment in time, and I was wondering if we could have a separate dinner from them. Whatever day you want." I explain

"That's fine. Possibly Wednesdays. We hardly ever have anything planned on Wednesdays." Grandma responds

"Wednesdays it is. It will be us four."

"You and Rory are still talking?" Grandpa asks

"Me and Rory are still talking. I told her about ten news and she's so excited." I smile

"She loves them two girls so much, she'll love becoming an Aunty again." Grandma states

"She will."

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