39. Star-crossed lovers and other strangers: part 2

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Just then, he stops I turn to look at him and he was on one knee with a beautiful ring in a velvet box. It looks like an engagement ring and my heat skips a beat.

"Tori. I have known you for 6 months and I feel like I have known you for eternity. You and our babies are all I think about every minutes of each day. I am so lucky to have you and so are our little girls. I never saw myself as a family man, because of my childhood and my own family. But from the minute I saw you, when I entered that classroom on your first day, I saw myself marrying you and starting a family with you. It was love at first sight. And now, here we are, we are having two little girls and I couldn't be more happier. I love you so much. And what I'm trying to say here, is, will you be my Juliet? Will you marry me?"

"Tristan..." I begin. "I would love to marry you. I can't wait to marry you some day. But we are so young. We're only 16. I don't want you to feel like you have to marry me, because I'm pregnant. Why don't we wait until the girls are born. And then you can propose." I suggest and smile.

"Okay. Yeah. Even though, I'm not doing it because I have to."

"I know." I say and kiss him

"How about, instead of an engagement ring, this can be a promise ring. Someday, I'll replace it with an engagement ring." He states and I agree. "Can I put it on?"

"Yes." I whisper with a huge smile on my face. "I love you."

"I love you too." He tells me and put the ring on and kisses me. It fits perfectly.

We sit on a bench, looking up at the stars, and I rest my head on Tristan's shoulder.

"We should go. It's getting late." He points out and we head towards his car.

"Yeah, it is. Thank you." I say

"For what?"

"For tonight. It was perfect. The dinner, the whole 'proposal'" I joke. "It was perfect." I take his hand.

"Thank you again." I say as we pull up outside the house.

"No, thank you. I love you tori."

"I love you too Tristan." I kiss him before leaving the car.

When I got inside, Rory was in her room and so was mom. I knocked on Rory's door and she opened it with a tear running down her face.

"Rory? What's wrong?" I ask, immediately going to hug her.

"We broke up." She explains and I was speechless.


"We broke up. We just broke up."

"I don't understand." I state

"We went for dinner, and then we walked by the bonfire, but it wasn't lit, so we went to this junkyard, and we sat in this car, and then he just broke up with me." She continues

"That doesn't make any sense." I tell her. "This is Dean we're talking about. He's crazy over you. He calls 25 times a day. Have you seen the cover of his notebook? It's one step away from stalker material." I joke

"I have to go to sleep." She says randomly.

"Wait, take me through the night step by step." I say

"Why?" She asks

"So I can help decipher what happened here." I reply

"What happened here is we broke up, he didn't want to be my boyfriend anymore, end of story. Now, I've already told all of this to mom. If you want to know it, go ask mom. Please, I don't want to talk about it anymore. Goodnight." She responds and lays down.

"Listen ror, I'm always here. No matter what happened, I'm here for you okay. Now goodnight." I say and lean down to kiss her cheek.

"Night Tori."

I then go upstairs and get ready for bed. I wanted to tell mom about everything but I didn't want to disturb her, so I didn't.

That night, the girls were kicking so hard, that I couldn't sleep at all and so I walked through to moms room, so she could talk to them. I know it sounds silly, but she is the only one that can get them to stop.

"Mom?" I ask quietly and she turns to me, half asleep.

"Tori? What's wrong?"

"The girls won't stop kicking. I can't sleep, and I really need sleep." I moan

"Okay, come here hon." She says and I lay down next to her. "Babies, go to sleep. Your mommy really wants to sleep. Go to sleep for 5 hours and then you can kick your mommy like a football again."

"I don't know how you do it. Thank you." I say in disbelief as they stop kicking.

"I'm just the best."

"You are." I Tell her

"So did, Rory tell you about her date?"

"Yeah, there's something missing from what she told me." I state

"Yeah there is. So how did yours go?" She questions

"It was good. We went for dinner and then we went to this park and walked around for a little while." I explain

"Aww, I'm glad you had a good time." Mom tells me and kisses my head.

We laid there for a while before I finally got the courage to tell mom what had happened.

"He proposed." I say randomly and mom turns to face me, a shocked look on her face.

"He What?"

"Tristan proposed to me, mom. We stopped under this tree and he got down on one knee with this beautiful ring in a velvet box and he asked me to marry him." I ramble on

"Well, what did you say?"

"No and yes. I told him that I would marry him but not right now. I said that I wanted to wait until it felt like we don't have to get married because of the pregnancy. And so instead, he suggested, that the ring be a promise ring." I explain further

"A promise ring?" Mom asks

"Yeah, someday he'll replace it with an engagement ring. One that I'll say yes to." I respond

"I can't believe it." Mom states

"Me either. I got proposed to. Tristan actually proposed to me and I said no." I exclaim

"I can't tell you what to do hon, but I think you did the right thing." Mom tells me

"I think so too. I love him so much, but I can't help but think that we're too young."

"He loves you too, Tori. You can tell by the way he looks at you."

"Yeah. I still can't believe it." I whisper

"My baby girl got proposed to today." Mom mutters and I read my head on her.

"I did." I smile gently

"Come on, let's get to sleep before they start a football match again. We'll go over everything in the morning. Sleep here tonight, if you want." Mom suggests and I nod my head. "Goodnight hon."

"Night mom, love you."

"I love you too Tori."

What the fuck. I can't believe I wrote that. Tristan proposed to tori!

This was quite short, it was 1203 words!

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