35. Christopher returns: part 1

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"He looks good, don't you think?" Rory asks me and mom

"He looks good."

"I like his hair shorter." Rory comments

"Shorter is nice." Mom agrees

"Do you think he will stay long?" Rory asks

"Wouldn't bet a lot of money on it."

"Maybe we can get him to stay a few weeks." Rory says as she keeps piling blankets down on the sofa.

"Absolutely, by weighting him down with blankets." Mom jokes

"I just want him to be comfortable."

"He's gonna come and go as he pleases. You know that." Mom tells Rory

"Yeah, I know that."

"And no amount of bedding is gonna change that."

"Yeah, but he's never been to stars hollow before." Rory points out. "That means somethings got to be different, right?"

"Why don't you just enjoy the time you've got?" Mom replies

"Yeah, okay."

"I still think something is different though." Rory states

"That is the worst shower I've ever had. Water pressure keeps changing every two seconds. I'm fixing it tomorrow." Dad says as he comes downstairs.

"Hey, you stay away from my shower." Mom warns

"We ordered Chinese food." Rory tells him

"Good. I'm starving." He comments

"Here." Mom says and hands him a cup.

"Hey, how is Diane?" Rory asks

"Uh, Diane is ancient history." Dad reveals

"You said she would be the one." Rory tells him

"The one to be gone by Memorial Day."

"You're worse than mom." Rory's states

"Can't keep a feller happy?" Dad asks mom

"Oh, I keep them happy. I keep them very happy." Mom says

"Okay, don't get gross."

"I'm gonna go study before the food gets here." Rory tells us

"What, tomorrow is Saturday." Dad laughs

"I know but I like to get my weekend homework done by Saturday night so then I can do extra credit stuff on Sunday." Rory tells us as she walks away.

"So Tori, how far along are you again?" Dad asks me

"Nearly 21 weeks, I have another scan tomorrow." I respond

"Wow, I'm still shocked. I mean I'm gonna be a grandad."

"Yeah." I say

"I know earlier you said that you didn't tell me because I never come or never call, but I do call." He states

"I thought it was a big thing, I didn't want to tell you over the phone. You're my dad, I wanted to tell you face to face. Wether that be when the twins are 4 years old, or now, when I'm still pregnant." I explain

"I understand, but did you say twins?" He questions

"Yeah, twins. I'm having twins." I state

"Another pair like you and Rory. Are you going to find out the gender tomorrow?"

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