98. Haunted leg: part 2

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"Mom? What are you doing here?" I ask as mom walks into Luke's. I was on an extra shift. I had done all of my school work for the day and I originally went in to Luke's with the girls to get a tea but ended up working instead. The girls were sleeping quietly in the corner of the diner.

"I came for the warmth." Mom jokes

"You're not usually here at this time." I explain

"I'm meeting someone for lunch."

"Who? Kirk?" I question, teasing mom about Kirk again.

"Tori stop it."

"No I won't. It's great he asked you out. He even came round about half an hour ago asking for advice. He asked if I thought he had a shot with you or not. Apparently, after all I know you really well. Which I do." I explain

"What did you say?" Mom sits down at a table.

"I said that he did. I think my exact words were, 'Kirk, mom would loved it that you asked her out. She's so excited.'" I joke. I didn't really tell him this. Instead we got talking about mom and Rory's house.

"Victoria, you didn't."

"No I didn't. We spoke about your house though and what you like. He seemed impressed that you have wooden floors. I told him you like movies. Junk food. And of course, talking incessantly, but we both agreed that there's nothing like some good loving to shut a person up." I tell mom

"I'm sorry. Can you bring me a sharper fork. I'm not sure this will go through your hand." Mom picks up a fork from the table and I take it away from her.

"I don't wanna jinx it, but seeing Kirk's face when he talked about you. He almost had an expression." I laugh

"Far, far away from me." Mom commands and I start to walk away.

"Love is in the air." I start to sing before getting to the counter and turning back to face mom. I stick my tongue out at her and she throws a fork but it doesn't quite reach me. Just then, grandma walks in and gives mom a disapproving look as she had just witnessed mom throw it. I then start to laugh before grandma sends me that same look. I then stop laughing and begin to work again.

Mom and grandmas lunch ended with them arguing and mom walking out. I don't know why though.

"Hey. I don't think the doorbell is working." Mom tells grandma as she opens the door.

Mom had explained to me and Rory about the argument that her and grandma had and so it could be awkward between them tonight.

"Believe me. It's not the doorbell." Grandma sighs

"Oh. So it was the door." A maid says

"Yes, Sarah, once again, it was the door." Grandma mutters

"So the really big bell is the door and the small one is the oven." Sarah explains

"Yes. That would be a wonderful thing to remember." Grandma tells her and she no walks away. "Okay. Well, let's have a drink, shall we?"

"Grandma, you have a new maid?" I ask

"Yes, I do." Grandma replies

"Good thing we're in time for Happy Hour." Mom adds

"Wine, Lorelai?"

"Yeah, if there's any left." Mom responds

"Rory, tori, soda or water?" Grandma questions

"Soda, please." Rory states

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