90. Teach me tonight

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"Will you get that?" I shout to Tristan. I was getting Charlie dressed in the living room and the phone started ringing.

"No." Tristan states

"Why not?" I yell

"Time?" Tristan questions



"Wednesday — Oh!" I get up and run to get the phone. "Dad, hi."

"Hey, kiddo. What's going on?" Dad asks

"Not much. Getting ready for school." I explain

"That was your sisters exact answer." Dad says. "Have you seen her recently?"

"Yeah, Rory comes round here often. She loves seeing the girl, and me of course." I laugh

"What about your mom?"

"What about her?" I question

"Have you spoken to her?"

"No." I admit

"Tori, what was it that made you not speak. It must have been big for you not to speak for a month. It's been a month and you haven't spoken to her." Dad justifies

"I know. I wish I could tell you dad, but I want to tell you when your actually here. Anyway, enough about us. How's things there? How is sherry?" I explain

"Same old, same old. Hey, listen, uh, I've got to cut this talk short, but I sent you an email, so read it. And add an extra 40 minutes for next weeks call. Deal?"


"Okay, I'll talk to you Wednesday. Bye, sweetie." He tells me

"Bye, dad."

I was walking up the front porch steps with the girls to mom and Rory's house.

I had to speak to Rory and I was just praying that I didn't have to speak to mom, or even look at her.

The reason why I actually came to the house and not called, is because I had to pick up a box anyway that we had left in the garage.

I had brought the girls with me because they hadn't seen mom for a while and I didn't want to cut them off from mom.

"Pauline!" Mom exclaims but then her smile fades as she sees me but appears again when she sees the girls standing next to me. I had carried them up the steps but put them down next to me when we reached the door.

"Hi." I wave slightly. "I need to speak to Rory."

"Okay, well come in. Rory's in her bedroom." I enter the house and both girls slowly walk with me. "So, they are walking now?"

"Yeah, they are both so close to walking by themselves. They just need that bit of extra support." I explain

"Hey, tori, do you mind if I spend a bit of time with them. I haven't seen them in a while and I miss them." Mom asks me

"Yeah, of course. I don't mean to cut them off from you even if it looks like that." I say

"Thank you. I've missed you too you know." Mom admits

"I have missed you too." I say sadly. "Anyway, I'm going to go speak to Rory."

I walk past her and walk into Rory's room.

"Hey!" Rory says and hugs me.

"Hi. Wow. It is weird being back in here." I laugh

"I bet it is. Why did you come?"

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