- Chapter 1: Winter, 1972.

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I'll be editing the MTL as I read. Basically, I'll be rewriting the paragraph as I'm reading, to the way my brain is translating the MTL in my head.

It won't be perfect but I hope it'll helpful.


If you want to read the full raw ^^
Btw, the title translates as 1972 but says 1970 in the chapter.

Chapter 1: Winter, 1972.

Winter, 1970.

The entire night, snow had been falling, and the Red Flag Brigade was abruptly awakened by a loud scream as daylight emerged. "Dead, hurry up! They passed away," the cry echoed through the village.

Startled from their sleep, the villagers emerged from their beds, shivering in their patched cotton-padded jackets. They directed their gaze towards the source of the disturbance, expressing their dissatisfaction, "Wife of the Liu family, why aren't you sleeping on such a cold day? What are you shouting for?"

The wife of the Liu family, seeing the villagers, rose from the ground and approached them, her voice filled with concern, "Oh, it's terrible! The newly married couple from the Ji family is dead!"

Some people among the crowd found it hard to believe and gave her an irritated look, "What are you talking about? They just got married yesterday, how could they die? You must be confused from waking up so early."

Feeling challenged by their skepticism, she retorted, "I'm not lying. The young couple from the Ji family is truly dead. My family lives at the end of the village and witnessed it."

Pushing her way into the crowd, she vividly described the events, "The old Ji family is inhumane! Hongjun and his wife got married yesterday and were immediately forced to move into the old, crumbling house. The beams of the mud-layered house were already weak. With the heavy snowfall last night, the house couldn't withstand the weight. When I went out to the hut this morning, I saw their house collapsed."

"The young couple is buried under the house. Can they possibly still be alive?"

The crowd sighed, "Oh, how could they? They are trapped beneath the collapsed house. It's highly unlikely they survived."

Someone noticed the captain in the distance and shouted, "The captain is coming! Captain, let's go and check. Are they really dead?"

The captain of the brigade, roused from his sleep early in the morning, was displeased to hear about the deaths in the village. He scolded the person who spoke, "What nonsense are you spouting? Explain the situation clearly."

The wife of the Liu family hurriedly approached him and repeated what she had just said.

The captain's expression darkened. He pointed to a few onlookers and commanded, "Ma Da, Liu Zhuang... Gather some tools and follow me."

This old Ji family is truly outrageous! Why did they send people to live in a dilapidated house on such a snowy day? Whether the couple is still alive remains unknown.

The captain led the group of people to the end of the village, with some women with loose tongues tagging along out of concern for the young couple, while others were merely driven by curiosity.

Upon reaching the collapsed house covered in thick snow, the captain's face grew even graver. Could they still be alive? Two lives are trapped underneath there.

"Everyone, grab some tools and carefully remove the snow, dig cautiously," the captain commanded, and the young and strong men from the village began digging.


Meanwhile, in the old Ji family's home, Li Xiulian, the eldest sister-in-law of the Ji family, sneaked home like a thief. She quickly closed the door to her room and hurried to find Boss Ji.

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