Chapter 107-108

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Chapter 107

"Your brother Hongjun said that he would use the names of Qingqing and Ran Ran. The third brother's name is Ji Wenxin, and the old one is Ji Wenyang." Liang Huan looked at the two children gently and answered Qin Meiqi's question with a smile.

"Brother Hongjun's name is good, the meaning is good, and it sounds good." Qin Meiqi praised.

Liang Huan smiled and looked at some of Ji Hongjun's colleagues coming outside. Liang Huan said to Qin Meiqi, "Meiqi, your brother Hongjun's colleagues are here. I'll go and have a look. Xinxin and Yangyang, thank you for helping me for a while."

Qin Meiqi waved her hand and said, "Sister-in-law, go to work quickly. I can't help you with other things with a big belly. I can still see a child. Go ahead and do your work. I will take good care of the two children.

"Oced, the child will be left to you. I'll go out and have a look." After Liang Huan and Qin Meiqi finished speaking, they walked out.

In the yard, Zhuo Xiangjun and Wang Haojun, another male colleague in the factory, came together. The two came with gifts and stood opposite Ji Hongjun. Zhuo Xiangjun handed the gift he brought to Ji Hongjun.

"Ji Hongjun, congratulations, you are so happy."

Wang Haojun also handed the gift he brought to Ji Hongjun: "Ji Gong, congratulations."

Ji Hongjun glanced at the gifts they brought, which were not particularly valuable gifts and could be accepted. Take the things away and whisper, "Thank you."

Liang Huan happened to come over from the room. Ji Hongjun handed her the things in her hand and said, "Huanhuan, this is Zhuo Xiangjun. This is Wang Haojun. They are all my colleagues."

Liang Huan looked up and smiled, "Hon, I'm Hongjun's daughter-in-law, Liang Huan."

Zhuo Xiangjun met Liang Huan twice. When he heard Liang Huan speak, he immediately said, "Hi, sister-in-law, I know you."

"I've seen you twice at the gate of the factory."

He met Ji Hongjun's daughter-in-law twice, and both surprised him. One was surprised that Ji Hongjun's daughter-in-law was good-looking, and the other was surprised that Ji Hongjun was good to his daughter-in-law. When we meet again, Liang Huan is almost the same as when he first met. His appearance has not changed much. He is still very beautiful. His figure has not changed after giving birth to a child, which is even better than his unmarried sister's figure.

Such a beautiful and gentle wife, he will love him well.

Zhuo Xiangjun thought that his eyes were a little hot when he looked at Ji Lianghuan.

Ji Hongjun walked up to Liang Huan, blocked Liang Huan's face, and looked at Zhuo Xiangjun indifferently.

"The gift has been delivered. You can go."

Zhuo Xiangjun is thick-skinned. Ji Hongjun often looks cold in the factory, and he is not afraid. When he hears what Ji Hongjun said, he smiles carelessly: "I'm here. Naturally, I won't leave if I haven't seen my little nephew and niece. Go and do a hurry up. I'll go into the room to see my little nephew and niece."

After saying that, Zhuo Xiangjun looked at Liang Huan and said, "Sister-in-law, can you take me there?"

Ji Hongjun's sharp eyes aimed at Zhuo Xiangjun and said to Liang Huan, "Go ahead and I'll take him there."

Ji Hongjun took Zhuo Xiangjun and Wang Haojun to the room to see the children, and Liang Huan went to greet other guests.

This time, Liang Huan's child was one month old. Although he said he wanted to do something small, some people still came when they got the news. When the guests came, Liang Huan's family could not close the door and not let people enter.

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