Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 Ji Hongjun said too harshly. He...

Ji Hongjun said so harshly that his wolf-like eyes looked at Baodan, as if he was really going to beat Baodan. Baodan is the lifeblood of Mrs. Liang. If you bully her, you can't bully her baby son. Hearing that Ji Hongjun was not good for Baodan, Mrs. Liang was immediately angry.

Protecting her son behind her, Ji Hongjun was a big man. She didn't dare to do anything to Ji Hongjun. She was angry, so she turned her head and looked at Liang Huan and threw fire on her.

"Liang Huan, what's wrong with you? Why do you let your man bully your brother? Don't you know that your brother is your only support? Your food is for your brother, and the meat in your house is also your brother's. He doesn't want to eat meat. If he goes out and grabs it, he has to grabbed the meat."

It doesn't matter if Mrs. Liang threw a splash on Liang Huan. After saying that, she turned her head and looked at Liang Xiaoya and Liang Zhaodi.

"What's wrong with you two cheap girls? Your brother was bullied. I don't know how to protect him? Why don't you go to the kitchen to find meat and grain? Go and find it. Take it home when you find it."

The big girl's things should be kept for the baby eggs. If there is meat at home, they can't eat it themselves. They must give the baby eggs.

Robbed her food, and said that her family's food was all her son's? Liang Huan will be very angry at this time. At the mother of the original owner, she couldn't fight, which was different from her mother-in-law's family. The mother-in-law's family fought, and they were arsonable at the beginning. She is really the mother of the original owner. Outsiders can scold her to death.

You can't beat or scold. Liang Huan can only look at the baby egg pulled by Mrs. Liang.

"Come here." Liang Huan stretched out his hand and robbed the precious egg.

After Liang Huan grabbed the person, he took him to the main room. Mrs. Liang wanted to follow. Liang Huan did not look back and said to the person behind him, "If you want me to give me precious egg meat, don't follow me."

After Liang Huan finished speaking, he entered the main room and closed the door and inserted it back from the inside.

Ji Hong stood by the door, and the door god looked at Mrs. Liang like the door god.

Mrs. Liang was stopped by Ji Hongjun and couldn't enter the main room. She was worried that Liang Huan would beat the baby egg. She stood at the door and shouted, "Cheap girl, you let your brother out. If you dare to beat the baby egg, I'll let your father beat you to death."

"Hive me the baby eggs."

Mrs. Liang shouted for a long time, but Liang Huan in the room ignored her.

She took the baby egg into the house and pulled him to the kang.


Baodan looked at Liang Huan in a little scared: "If you dare to hit me, I'll let Dad kill you."

"I'm disobedient. I'll beat you now so that you can't see your father." Liang Huan deliberately raised his hand, as if he was really going to beat the baby egg.

Baodan hid on the kang and stepped directly on the quilt in his shoes. The soles of his shoes were wet. As soon as he stepped on it, the quilt was also wet.

Liang Huan quickly pulled him off the kang: "Don't go to the kang. Sit here and be obedient. I'll give you meat. If you are not obedient, let your brother-in-law beat you."

Let my brother-in-law beat him? Baodan shrank. My brother-in-law looks so taller than his father. It must be very painful to beat people. He doesn't want to be beaten.

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