Chapter 91-92

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Chapter 91

As the sun set, every family of the black and red flag brigade was smoking. At the end of the village, Liang Huan has prepared dinner. As usual, Ji Hongjun has come back at this time, but today she has finished dinner, and Ji Hongjun hasn't come back yet.

Liang Huan extinguished the fire at the bottom of the pot, covered the pot and came out of the stove. Did he go out to see if Hongjun was back?

In the yard, Qingqing was throwing the sandbag towards Ran Ran. When she saw Liang Huan coming out of the stove, she shook her hand and threw the sandbag away. Qingqing didn't care where the sandbag was. She turned her head and looked at Liang Huan: "Mom, what are you doing?"

"Go out and see if your father is back?" After saying that, Liang Huan continued to walk out.

Qingqing didn't play with sandbags anymore. After listening to Liang Huan's words, she ran over directly: "Mom, I'll go with you."

Qingqing chased Liang Huan and ran out. Ran Ran was not interested in playing with sandbags alone. She also followed Liang Huan out.

Walking out of the gate of the compound, Liang Huan glanced at the road coming from the village. There were many people talking on the roadside in the village, but no one came this way. Liang Huan closed the door and walked to the village. The two children followed her to the village, one left and one right.

When I was cooking in the afternoon, in addition to the cooks, the men and children in the village were not busy. There were also some women who were mothers-in-law who gave the cooking work to their daughters-in-law, and they also went out to chat outside.

A quick-mouthed man saw Liang Huan coming from the end of the village and asked loudly, "Hongjun's family, you don't cook at home when it's time to cook dinner. What are you doing?"

"I have something to do. Auntie, you can talk." Liang Huan answered indifferently and continued to walk forward with the child.

Liang Huan walked quickly. She walked several meters away in a moment. The aunt who was talking to Liang Huan looked at Liang Huan's back and curled her lips: "Lazy woman, rely on Hongjun to love her, and she doesn't even cook at night."

Aunt Liu next to her looked sideways at the talking aunt: "That's also someone who hurts. Do you want someone to hurt you? Does anyone hurt you?"

The aunt's husband can't fool around. Many people in the village say that he has an affair with the widow in the village. Not only that, the aunt's husband also likes to beat his mother-in-law. Usually, the aunt is often beaten at home.

After being poked in the pain point, the aunt was upset. Looking at Aunt Liu, she patted her legs and shouted, "Why doesn't anyone hurt me anymore?" My son has a lot of grandchildren. I'm willing to go to work. I'm not the lazy woman. I have sons and grandchildren, and I have a big family. What do the big family eat if I don't cook? I said Hongjun's family, what's the matter next to you? You don't want to flattate others, do you? You have to see whether they will ignore you or not.

Aunt Liu has always remembered that Ji Hongjun saved her Lao Liu over the years, so usually people in the village say that Liang Huan's family will say a few rebuttals. At this time, the aunt jumped and made a noise, and Aunt Liu was not afraid. She stared at the aunt with wide eyes and said higher than that aunt: "What's the matter? To be honest, you are not convinced of what I said, and you still want to fight with me, don't you? If you fight, you have a son in your family, and my family is not bad. Do you want me to call my son over?

Aunt Liu's four sons, each of whom is famous for being a strong person in the village. The aunt's family also has sons, but both sons are thin and weak, and they have no strength. The grandson is also relatively small. In this fight, their family can never beat Aunt Liu's family. How dare she really let her son come over and fight with Aunt Liu's son? She glanced at Aunt Liu and said sideways, "Nosy." After saying that, the aunt walked to her home.

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