Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 - Ji Hong borrowed garlic and ginger back...

When Ji Hongjun borrowed garlic and ginger to go home, she was stopped by Ji Hongying, who suddenly ran out of the next door.

"Brother, you're finally back. Come here. I have something to say to you."

Ji Hongying said that La Jihong walked to the yard of Lao Ji's house.

Other people's chimneys have smoked, and the smell of meat can be faintly smelled in the village. Their house has not yet set fire. Ji Hongjun looked down at the ginger in his hand and shook off Ji Hongying's hand.

"I have something to say here. Your sister-in-law is waiting for me at home."

Ji Hongying heard Ji Hongjun mention Liang Huan and was annoyed, "Brother, what's wrong with you? What did that woman do? My mother told me that she is a lazy woman and a shrew, not my sister-in-law. I don't recognize her. Come home with me.

"And, brother, I didn't mean you. The house in the family belongs to your parents. How can you ask your parents to live in the east compartment? Hurry up and drive the lazy woman away, knock down the wall of the house, and you and your parents still live together.

Ji Hongying chattered, but did not notice that Ji Hongjun's eyes were getting colder and colder.

Ji Hongjun narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Ji Hongying faintly.

Ji Hongying didn't hear Ji Hongjun's answer, and she didn't care. In her opinion, her little brother loved her the most, and he would definitely listen to her.

"Brother, my mother said, the two old hens in the family were killed by the lazy woman. You can take them back to our house and we will eat together. My mother also said that you hit two rabbits. I haven't eaten meat for a long time. Give me one. I'll take it home to eat. My mother-in-law must look up to me when she sees the meat.

Ji Hongying said to herself and didn't look at Ji Hongjun's face at all.

Ji Hongjun looked at Ji Hongying expressionlessly at this moment, gently opened his lips, and his voice was as cold as ice: "Is that over?"

"After saying that, go home. The east box is now my house for me and your sister-in-law, and the wall is fortress."

The wall of his base can't be pushed by himself.

"Don't worry about the meat at home. You are the Liu family. The family is really poor that you can't open the pot. You need your mother's family to help. Let Dongliang say how much the eldest brother, second brother and third brother will give you, and my sister-in-law will not fall behind. There are not many."

Ji Hongjun strode to the yard after saying that.

Ji Hongying followed, and Ji Hongjun looked at her faintly by the door: "Go home for dinner."

Ji Hongjun finished speaking and closed the door of the house in front of Ji Hongying and locked it from inside.

Ji Hongying was stopped outside. She wanted to be unable to enter Ji Hongjun's house. She stamped her feet, scolded Liang Huan, and trotted back to Lao Ji's house.

In Lao Ji's house, Liu Dongliang was talking to his father-in-law and uncle. Seeing that his daughter-in-law was back, he asked directly, "Are you going to call me?" Didn't you come?"

"Not to mention him. The little brother was fascinated by the lazy woman. I asked him to drive the woman away. He didn't want to. He locked me out of the door and didn't let me enter the door." Ji Hongying cursed and said gruntly.

Liu Dongliang frowned slightly. He was tall, three-dimensional, and righteous. The clothes he was wearing were clean and neatly washed.

After listening to his daughter-in-law, Liu Dongliang said in a low voice, "The little brother and sister-in-law are husband and wife. You shouldn't interfere in their affairs."

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