Chapter 115-116

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Chapter 115

When Liang Huan ran into the room, Ji Hongjun had returned to the room ahead of her. She was holding Xinxin up and shaking in her arms.

Yangyang lay on the bed, looking at Ji Hongjun with his usually closed eyes, which seemed to be a little dissatisfied.

Liang Huan glanced at Yang Yang and walked to Ji Hongjun to pick up Xinxin.

"What's wrong with Xinxin? Why did you cry?"

"Yangyang hit her." Ji Hongjun handed the child to Liang Huan and answered softly.

Xinxin reached Liang Huan's arms. The child in her mother's arms seemed to feel a sense of security. She lay in Liang Huan's arms. She sobbed twice and stopped crying, but still hummed intermittently.

Xinxin stopped crying. Liang Huan wiped off the tears on her face, went to the bedside, sat down beside Yangyang, and looked down at him: "Yangyang, you can't hit your sister, do you know? I want to protect my sister."

Children should protect each other, and Yangyang is a boy in his family, and Yangyang will be taught to protect his sister in the future.

Yang Yang looked at Liang Huan, curled the corners of his mouth, stretched out his hand, and moved his little mouth: "Hug."

As soon as Yangyang opened his mouth, Liang Huan was surprised. Her baby was half a year old, but she didn't say a word. Usually, she also said something like calling her mother next to Yangyang and Xinxin. I was my mother, but Yangyang had been lazy and didn't answer her words. She always felt that the child might not understand her. Speak.

Unexpectedly, Yangyang could speak today, and what he said was quite clear, but it was not about his parents, but a hug.

When Liang Huan usually holds the child, he often stretches out his hands and says to the child: Mom hugs him. Hearing Yang Yang say that she wanted to hug, Liang Huan was a little surprised, but she did not doubt it. She handed Xinxin to Ji Hongjun again and picked up Yangyang.

Xinxin had just arrived in her mother's arms and was sent to Ji Hongjun's arms. She looked back at Liang Huan from Ji Hongjun's arms, and she cried again.

When the child cried, Liang Huan was distressed. Looking at Yangyang, who stretched out his hand on the bed to hug him, Liang Huan still turned around and picked up Xinxin. She looked at Ji Hongjun and said, "Hongjun, you hold Yangyang."

Liang Huan and Ji Hong both picked up the child. Outside, Qin Haojie and Qin's father also followed him into the room. They heard the child's crying. They followed to see why the child was crying.

Seeing Ji Hongjun and Liang Huan holding a child alone, Qin's father strode over: "What's wrong with the child? I just sounded like Xinxin's cry. Why did Xinxin cry?

"Play with Yangyang. Yangyang touched her and cried." Ji Hongjun said softly.

Liang Huan said with a smile, "These two children often play at home. Xinxin is very active. When she sleeps in bed, she will turn over honestly. Sometimes she will turn over Yangyang, and Yangyang will reach out and pat her on the cheek. There are also times when Xinxin cried. Yangyang feels noisy, and he will also pat Xinxin on the cheek. These two children are used to making trouble at home. It's okay, uncle, cousin, you go out.

Qin Haojie didn't go out. He looked at the child in Liang Huan's hand and stretched out his hand: "Give me a hug."

Qin Haojie works in the army. He usually meets big men, and there are few women in the army, let alone children. He never held the child. When he stretched out his hand, both hands were straight.

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