Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

In the corridor of Ji Jianshe's house, Liang Huan went downstairs with Ji Hongjun. When she got to the first floor, she stopped.

"Is there anything wrong with Hong?"

Hongjun usually doesn't let her see him off when she works at home. Today, I specially asked her to come out to see him off. It should be something wrong, right?

"Hmm." Ji Hongjun nodded and continued to move forward.

Liang Huan is behind him. I don't know what Ji Hong has to say. Hurry up and follow.

After following Ji Hongjun for a while, Liang Huan didn't hear him speak. He looked at him doubtfully: "Hongjun."

Ji Hongjun stretched out his hand, directly took Liang Huan's hand, and answered gently, "Huh?"

"Didn't you say something was wrong? What's the matter?"

The steel mill is not far away. If she continues to walk with Hongjun, she will reach the gate of Hongjun Factory.

Ji Hongjun stopped and looked back at Liang Huan: "It's something, something at work. There should be a transfer in my work recently.

Job transfer? Liang Huan didn't hear Ji Hongjun say before. Now he was a little surprised to hear him say about the job transfer: "What's the transfer?"

Hongjun has been working in a steel factory for nearly six years. At first, he was the lowest-class ordinary worker online. Later, he joined the technical department and worked as a technician in the workshop, which is regarded as second-class work. This job transfer may be a good thing. It may be a good thing to transfer up and transfer first-class workers, but it may also be downward.

Ji Hong didn't answer Liang Huan immediately. His eyes looked at the tube building of Uncle Ji's house. Ji Jianshe, Ji Jiankang and Wang Xiumei came out of the corridor, and the three of them walked to the other side together.

Ji Hongjun watched the three people turn the corner and couldn't see the shadow. Then he looked down at Liang Huan slightly and said, "I'm not sure. It should be a good change. I'll tell you later."

Liang Huan knows Ji Hongjun. Generally speaking, he doesn't say anything uncertain. He said it was a good change, which was basically a certain good thing. Since it is a good change, it may be the second-level technician to the first-level technician.

After being promoted to the first-level technical worker, not only will the salary and welfare increase, but also the work of Hongjun will also have certain changes. The original work is more. After upgrading to the first-level worker, it may only do guidance work.

Liang Huan was happy for Ji Hongjun in his heart. He took his hand and said gently, "Then you go to work. I'll go back with my two children in the evening and make it for you in the evening. What do you want to eat?"

Liang Huan smiled and her eyes were bright. Looking at Liang Huan like this, Ji Hongjun's lips also rose slightly.

"Do you still have meat at home?"

Ji Hongjun likes to eat meat. Liang Huan knows that the two children like Ji Hongjun like to eat meat. After living with Ji Hongjun for several years, Liang Huan also likes to eat meat now.

There is no meat at home, but there are still a few old hens in the space. I will kill one when I go back at night.

"There are still a few old hens in the space. I'll go back and kill one."

The chickens raised in the space are just to eat. It happens that Hongjun is going to be promoted. Let's kill a chicken to celebrate.

Liang Huan thought, and the smile at the corners of his mouth never stopped.

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