- Chapter 7: Ji Hongjun is an activist.

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Chapter 7: Ji Hongjun is an activist.

Ji Hongjun is an activist. He said he would build a wall and went to the captain's house after eating. Liang Huan didn't know what he told the captain. He came back with the captain, along with a few young men with tools in their hands. It seemed that they came to help build the wall.

She guessed right. Ji Hongjun asked the group of energetic young men to pick up water, then went to the thatched hut to pull the earth. The wall in the middle of the ten-meter yard will be ready in the afternoon.

While building it, Mother Ji started scolding again, reaching out to prevent the people from continuing.

Seeing Mother Ji unstable, Liang Huan took a wooden stick from her room, then walked towards her. She didn't talk nonsense and directly stated, "We've separated. Whoever stops me from building the wall will be beaten."

Liang Huan deliberately raised her stick and hit the place next to Mother Ji.

Mother Ji remembered her stick too deeply. She felt her ass hurt just seeing Liang Huan holding it, and didn't dare to continue scolding. Instead, she turned her head, "Stirring up family harmony. Sooner or later, I'll call the fourth to stop you."

The others watched the wall being built with hot eyes. Liang Huan stood in the yard, so they didn't dare to come over to make trouble. They muttered together when they had nothing to do.

Liang Huan boiled water for the workers and pretended not to hear their murmurs.

The sun gradually set. The wall was half-built, at one meter high. The men had to go home for dinner since it was inconvenient for Liang Huan to cook meals without an iron pot. Ji Hongjun could only tell them that he'd invite them for dinner next time. The workers waved it off before leaving.

For them, the captain asked them to help, so they did. As for Ji Hongjun telling them he'd invite them to eat, they don't believe it. Everyone in the brigade knows that Ji Hongjun is lazy.

Before he was married, he took two or three days of leave at a time and didn't earn enough work points to eat by himself. His wife is also a good match for him. She was also lazy. When she was at her mother's house, her family asked her to go to work every day, but she didn't go. They already have a problem eating by themselves, as for inviting them to dinner? Don't think about it. They'd better go home and eat.

The young men who came to help had left. Ji Hongjun and Liang Huan were both busy all afternoon and were starving. In particular, Liang Huan is exhausted and hungry. Her body is too weak and gets tired after working for a while. Her body is malnourished at first glance.

This body is hers now. If she wants to take good care of it, she has to eat enough to improve her health. Liang Huan thought for a moment, then looked over at Ji Hongjun, "I'm going to cook two sweet potatoes. One sweet potato for each of us, okay?"

There is not much food at home, only about 40 or 50 kilograms of sweet potatoes. If they eat two or three meals a day, it won't be enough to last for ten days. Liang Huan was a little worried about this. She had to take some time to go into space to see if she could plant some food.

"Cook three. We'll each have one and a half. I'll help you raise the fire." After saying this, Ji Hongjun squatted in front of the triangular soil to raise the fire.

Cooking three sweet potatoes will deplete their food reserves, which made Liang Huang distressed, but thinking about how she could eat more, she put down her worries and washed the potatoes honestly.

Liang Huan and Ji Hongjun didn't know each other well, so they didn't talk during the meal and focused on eating. After dinner, Ji Hongjun put down his bowl, "I'll go out. Don't wait for me and go to bed first."

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