- Chapter 17: The brigade was completely covered in white snow.

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Chapter 17: The brigade was completely covered in white snow.

The Red Flag Brigade was completely covered in white snow due to the heavy snowfall. Nobody was outside and the village was desolate.

Liang Huan cleaned the pot and started to refine the lard after breakfast.

Ji Hongjun stayed inside and didn't leave the house. Liang Huan was refining lard while he sat behind the stove and kindled the fire for her.

The smell of the oil was even more attractive than the meat's unique fragrance. Behind the stove, Ji Hongjun was seated. His expression appeared calm, but there was a slight fluctuation. After taking a whiff of the aroma, he rose to his feet and turned to face the oil pan.

Ji Hongjun's bright eyes caught Liang Huan's attention as she was stirring the oil in the pot. "Try this," she said, scooping up a few pieces of oily residue and handing them to Ji Hongjun.

"Well, thank you." Ji Hongjun reached out and took the oil residue, put it in his mouth, and chewed it.

Liang Huan observed Ji Hongjun's face after hearing his polite thank you. She said, "Ji Hongjun, not many people here say thank you." with a glint in her eyes.

"The people here refer to themselves as 'me.'"Ji Hongjun said after pausing.

Ji Hongjun proceeded to devour oil remnants as if he was not the one who had just dropped a bombshell.

After being startled for a short while, Liang Huan stared at Ji Hongjun's composed face, shook her head, and set her thoughts aside. She removed all of the residues from the pot and added the oil to the oil tank.

Ji Hongjun is correct. Her own words have flaws. They must both ask each other questions if they decide to do so. She is not the original Liang Huan. Even if Ji Hongjun is not the original him, it would not have much of an effect on her. As long as he can always be responsible and not foolishly filial.

Ji Hongjun would not take the initiative to mention Liang Huan's flaws, and Liang Huan stopped mentioning his. He consumed the oil dregs Liang Huan had provided, but his gaze remained fixed on the basin.

Liang Huan was unable to avoid Ji Hongjun's intense gaze, even if she tried.

"Do you still want to eat?"

Ji Hongjun said, "Uh-huh," while nodding.

A 1.8-meter-tall man who appeared calm and mature claimed he was craving leftover meat. It struck Liang Huan as being somewhat adorable. Ji Hongjun was given a bowl that had been filled with salt, pork scraps, and her craftsmanship.

"It's better to eat with some salt."

Ji Hongjun picked a piece of the salted meat scraps from the bowl and exclaimed, "It's delicious."

Liang Huan laughed as she observed Ji Hongjun's appearance. But she also craved residue. After giving it some thought, Liang Huan prepared several pieces of scraps for herself. Not to mention how long the oil has been heated to fry the meat scraps. It is not at all greasy. It tastes excellent. It is tasty and crunchy.

They both ate some meat residue that tasted like pork. The residual meat should be kept for stir-fried dishes. Ji Hongjun did not receive more from Liang Huan. The remaining meat scraps were stored in the cabinet for use in stir-fried dishes to enhance flavor.

It was quite cold outside and there was a considerable amount of snow. Her hands were red from the cold as she went outside, but there was no farm work to be done at this time. Since Liang Huan didn't have to leave the house, she marinated the remaining rabbits and the pheasants that Ji Hongjun had brought back. They don't have to worry about eating the meat because it can be preserved longer when marinated.

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