Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 - Liangjiawan Brigade, Ji Laoer stepped on...

In Liangjiawan Brigade, Ji Laoer stepped on the snow and walked quickly to the village. He walked to a mud house in the middle of Liangjiawan Village and stopped and raised his hand and knocked on the door.

In Liang's house, Father Liang sat on the kang and rubbed the rope, Liang Zhaodi sat in the yard to wash clothes, Mrs. Liang was cooking in the kitchen, and Liang Xiaoya lit a fire.

When Mrs. Liang heard the knock on the door outside, she shouted, "Chaodi, go open the door."

Who will knock on the door at noon?

When Zhaodi heard her mother's words, she stood up. Her red hand wiped the water on her messy body. She trotted to the door and opened the door of the yard. Looking at the strange man outside, she was puzzled.

"Who are you looking for?"

"I'm Ji Hongjun's second brother. Is my uncle there?" Ji Laoer put his hand into his sleeve and asked.

"My father is in the house."

In the main room, Liang Zhaodi took Ji Hongxing in, and she went out and continued to wash clothes. Father Liang put the hemp rope aside and looked at Ji Hongxing in a thick cotton-padded jacket.

"My nephew is here. Why did he come here at this time? Is there anything wrong?"

Come here at noon and waste food.

Ji Hongxing went to the kang next to Father Ji and sat down. He learned what Father Ji told him, "Uncle, my father said that the family should tell his mother's family when the family is separated. My family is separated. Xiao Si and his fourth siblings are busy these two days. They should not have time to talk about the separation of the family. Let me."

When Father Ji heard Ji Hongxing say about the separation of the family, he didn't react much. He shrugged her face: "That girl married your family, that is, your Ji family. Separation is your family's business. Don't tell me."

"Uncle-law, the fourth brother and sister are your daughter. How can you not tell you this kind of thing? My mother said that this matter must be made clear, so that people outside will not say that it is unfair for me to separate the family in the future. When my family separated, I divided two houses in the east compartment for my fourth brother and my fourth sister, and gave me 25 yuan. I gave a lot of eggs and grain. The fourth brother and sister also caught two old hens from the chicken nest and killed them. In the past two days, the fourth brother and sisters drank chicken soup every day. The chicken soup is delicious.

Mrs. Ji happened to come from the stove with boiling water. When she walked to the door, she heard Ji Hongxing say that Liang Huan drank chicken soup every day. She immediately put the bowl on the table and shouted, "My nephew, what are you talking about? Does my girl drink chicken soup every day?

"Yes, my in-law, the fourth brother and the fourth brother and sister share a lot of money. They have a lot of food and meat to eat."

Mrs. Liang's face changed: "That stinky girl, she actually eats alone, and she won't send her brother any meat."

Liang Baodan played snow with the boys in the village outside. When he was tired of playing, he went home for dinner. When he ran in, he heard Mrs. Ji mention meat. He ran faster. When he got to the room, he grabbed Mrs. Ji's arm: "Mother, where is the meat?" I want to eat meat."

Meat, Captain's Baocheng ate meat the day before yesterday. He also took the meat to show off. The meat can be bitten off the tongue just by looking at it. It smells delicious.

"Your eldest sister has meat at home. Let's go. Mom will take you to eat meat." Mrs. Liang pulled Baodan's hand and walked out.

Father Liang pulled up the broken cotton-padded jacket on his body and stood up: "My nephew, I'll go out and have a look."

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