Chapter 53-54

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Chapter 53

In the stove, Liang Huan washed the rice, put it in the pot, and let Ji Hongjun burn the fire. She took the bacon by herself, cleaned it, cut it into thin slices and put it on a plate, then put the steamer on the rice pot, put the bacon in, and steamed the rice bacon.

When cooking, Liang Huan closed the door of his home and the door of the kitchen. The smell of the rice did not float out much. In addition, it was sunny today, and there was no wind, so few people outside smelled the fragrance of Liang Huan's food.

The door of the stove was closed, the air in the room could not flow out, and the whole kitchen was warm. When Liang Huan washed the radishes, he felt that the cold water was a little warm.

In the foggy room, Liang Huan sat at the table cutting radishes and talked to Ji Hongjun about today's work.

"Hongjun, you work in the mountains. Is it difficult to turn over the land?" 2021-03-03

At the beginning of spring, she turned over the soil and sowed it. Today, when she leveled the soil on the ground, she felt that the soil was very hard and difficult to turn over, and the soil in the mountains should be more difficult to turn over.

"It's not difficult to turn over." Ji Hongjun replied three words, added a few pieces of firewood to the stove, thought for a moment and said, "Easy life, not tired."

"Are you tired? Don't go in the afternoon if you are tired. Ji Hongjun looked up at Liang Huan and said softly.

"I'm not very tired. I still have to go to work." Liang Huan said, cutting radish slices slowly.

There is no tiring thing to work, but there is no centimeter if you don't work. In this era, there is no centimeter without food, and the rumors outside of not working in this era can be spread to the whole town.

Just like the original owner and the original Hongjun, the original owner deliberately pretended to be lazy to ruin his reputation in order to escape the fate of being sold. In the past, in order to go to the black market to make trouble, Hongjun always asked for leave at three or five o'clock.

Because he was not active in working, Hongjun directly left a bad reputation for sucking his brother's blood and relying on others. She doesn't want to be scolded by the villagers anymore, and the most important thing is that she and Hongjun will eat after moving. They have to give their food a clear way out, right?

Work hard, and the autumn harvest can share grain. The food in the space is also easier to eat.

Ji Hongjun burned the fire, and the fire was reflected in his deep eyes. His eyes reflected Liang Huan's shadow and gently replied, "Hmm."

After cutting the radish, Liang Huan put in the seasoning and stirred it. Then put the radish aside and let it marinate for a while to absorb the sauce and taste it.

The radish was ready, and the rice in the pot had not been steamed. Liang Huan carried a small stool to Ji Hongjun and sat down.

Ji Hongjun saw Liang Huan coming, adjusted the small stool in, and let Liang Huan sit in front of the stove, which could be heated and warm.

There was firewood under the stove, and there was no need to add firewood. Liang Huan talked about Qin Meiqi leisurely and boredly: "I worked today and a female educated youth in the same line. The little girl is only fifteen or sixteen years old. I guess the family is in good condition and has never worked. I almost cut off my feet when I was working today."

For the convenience of turning over the soil at the beginning of spring, the heads in the team have just been ground with frosted skin. The heads are sharp. If the heads are really cut to the feet, it is estimated that it will hurt for a day.

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