- Chapter 3: Mother Ji shouted outside...

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Chapter 3: Mother Ji shouted outside...

Mother Ji shouted outside and pushed open the door. The second's wife immediately followed after. She whispered, "Mom, I'll go inside with you. If the fourth's wife doesn't want to leave, we'll carry Hongjun away. The fourth brother doesn't live here, does his wife have the face to live at home?"

Mother Ji smiled at this, with her wrinkled face. She said rudely, "You're right. The fourth doesn't sleep at home, let's see if his wife sleeps here."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law did not avoid Liang Huan at all. They walked over to her as they spoke, Mother Ji saying rudely, "Little four, your eldest and second brother has gone back to repair your house, it will be done quickly. Get up and go back to your own house to sleep."

Is Ji Hongjun going back to their collapsed thatch to sleep? She looked at Ji Hongjun on the kang. He was still asleep. His face was much more ruddy, and his breathing was much smoother. It seemed that he would not die.

For people, it's the most important thing to live. Going to sleep in a thatched hut on a snowy day is looking for death.

Liang Huan looked up at Mother Ji, "Do you want to be criticized?"

Mother Ji's face looked bad when she heard the word "criticized." She is a country woman, and in her concept, her son and daughter-in-law had to listen to her. If they didn't, they would be unfilial. Listening to Liang Huan's words, she scolded angrily, "I don't think anyone dares! Our family has been separated. You and Hongjun are not from the family, so you have to go back to your own house!"

"The fourth couple doesn't want to leave. Come, carry the fourth back to his house with me." Mother Ji went to Ji Hongjun.

She had to drive the fourth and this bitch out today. They have to die outside, not in her house.

Liang Huan looked at Mother Ji's movements and thought of the book she was reading before being interrupted by her. The heroine's story began on the day of her birth. On that day, her uncle, Ji Hongjun, and his wife were killed in the thatched hut outside. In the evening, the revolutionary committee came to investigate, saying that Mother Ji abused her son and daughter-in-law, and wanted to take her to be paraded.

One person being criticized is a major event affecting the whole family. The Ji family struggled with the people from the Revolutionary Committee. While pulling, the third wife fell, giving birth prematurely. She and her baby almost died.

The people from the Revolutionary Committee watched the basin of blood come out from when she gave birth. They were afraid and left without catching Mother Ji.

The third wife gave birth to a daughter as soon as they left. Mother Ji hugged her granddaughter, saying she was her lucky star and saved her life.

The original owner and Ji Hongjun were both cannon fodders who died right when they appeared.

Liang Huan turned her head to look at Ji Hongjun. His breathing is stable, and he's alive. If he died, she would become a widow. Maybe she'll be driven back to her maiden family by the Ji's. The Liang family is not good either, favoring sons over daughters. The original owner's parents wanted to sell her at a good price, every day, and leave the money to their son. It's a wolf's nest over there, she can't go back.

She is now one with Ji Hongjun, and she can save him.

Seeing that Mother Ji and the second son's wife were about to grab his arm, Liang Huan was about to open her mouth when the person lying on the bed woke up.

Ji Hongjun looked at Mother Ji with murderous eyes. His hands quickly and accurately squeezed her wrists, which was close to breaking her hand.

Mother Ji immediately jumped and shouted in pain, "It hurts. Hongjun, what are you doing? Let go of me!"

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