Chapter 77-78

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Chapter 77

In recent years, Liang Huan heard Qin Meiqi say a lot about her parents and knew that her parents were excellent people, but Meiqi did not say what they did specifically do. Hearing that they were redressed, Liang Huan was also somewhat infected by Qin Meiqi's good mood and whispered to her, "Redressed, that's a good thing."

The smile on Qin Meiqi's face could not be concealed. She said to herself, "My parents are coming to see me before returning to the imperial capital. They said they would come in the next few days."

"Then you can meet your parents in a few days." Liang Huan was sincerely happy for Qin Meiqi.

"Yes." Qin Meiqi answered Liang Huan softly, and her eyes couldn't help looking at Ji Hongjun.

Ji Hongjun's dark eyes glanced at Qin Meiqi, took Qingqing and Ran Ran's hand and turned his head to look aside: "Huanhuan, it's getting late. It's time for us to go to the county."

When Ji Hongjun said this, Liang Huan immediately remembered the business. They were going to the county to find a house today.

"Miki, we have something to go to the county, so we'll go first. I'll talk to you later." After saying that, Liang Huan waved his hand to Qin Meiqi and left with Ji Hongjun with his two children.

As soon as Liang Huan and Ji Hongjun left the village, some children in the village spread what Qingqing and Ran Ran said yesterday. They said that Ji Hongjun was going to take Qingqing and Ran Ran to live in the city, and some ignorant children were still making trouble for their parents to live in the city.

As soon as these children told their family members that Qingqing and Ran Ran were going to live in the county, the villagers began to speculate that Ji Hongjun was going to live in the county with his wife and children. In the future, they would become real city dwellers, eating national food, and Ji Hongjun still had a job with an iron rice bowl.

At this time, the atmosphere is much better, and there are many more people in the county. Liang Huan and Ji Hong walked side by side with their children.

"Hongjun, looking for a house, how can we find it? Do you know the person who introduced the house?

"Yes, I asked a colleague yesterday. One of his cousins is an intermediary. Let's go find him." Ji Hongjun said lightly and took Liang Huan to his cousin's house with his colleagues.

Ji Hongjun's colleague's cousin waited at home early in the morning and didn't go out. When he heard the knock on the door, he immediately opened the door of the house and looked at Ji Hongjun standing at the door: "Are you Huazi's colleague? Comrade Ji?"

Ji Hongjun stretched out his hand: "Hello, I'm Ji Hongjun."

Li Wang stretched out his hand and shook Ji Hong twice: "Hello, I'm Li Wang. Just call me Wangzi."

Li Wang and Ji Hongjun said hello and didn't let them into their home. They took Ji Hongjun and Liang Huan out of their alley and walked out and said, "Huazi said that you wanted to find a house in a hurry. Yesterday, I went out and contacted them. There is a house nearby that wants to rent a house, a tube building, one bedroom and one living room. Cooking in the corridor, everyone shares a small kitchen.

"There is also a dirt house, a large yard with three rooms and a stove, but that one is only for sale but not for rent. The owner needs money, and the price is quite high."

Li Wang told Ji Hongjun about the housing resources he held in his hand.

Nowadays, there are few houses in the city, and many people don't have enough houses to live in themselves, let alone rent. There are very few houses that can be rented or sold. Li Wang could find these two houses only because he had many acquaintances and many places to run in the city before he knew the news. Otherwise, with the strangers who came from the countryside with Liang Huan and Ji Hong, he might not be able to find a house for ten days and a half months.

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