Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 - Ji Hongjun looked into the basin...

Ji Hongjun looked at the sweet potatoes and eggs wrapped in cotton-padded clothes in his basin, and then looked at Liang Huan, "Have you eaten it?"

"I have rice porridge at home. I'll go home for rice porridge later." Ji Hongquan had a large amount of meals. The food she brought was Hongjun's own meal. When Hongjun finished eating, she went home to eat.

"Uh-huh." Ji Hongjun nodded, picked up a sweet potato and stood up: "Before you came, Erzhu gave me a sweet potato and returned it to him."

Ji Hongjun took the sweet potato to Erzhu. Liang Huan saw him handed the sweet potato to Erzhu. After saying a word, he turned around and strode back.

Liang Huan took out a sweet potato from the vegetable bowl. After Ji Hongjun came over, she handed it directly to him, "Eat it quickly. It's cold. Sweet potatoes are easy to cool."

It's not good to eat cold food in winter.

"Uh-huh." Ji Hongjun hooked the corners of her lips and sat down beside Liang Huan.

Ji Hongjun ate fast. He sat next to Liang Huan and ate the sweet potatoes she brought. Liang Huan watched him ate sweet potatoes and pulled him for a moment: "Slow down. I don't bring water. Don't choke."

Dried sweet potatoes. She wanted to bring boiling water when she came here, but she didn't even have a cup at home. If you want to bring water, you can only bring a bowl. If you get a bowl of water and bring it here, it will definitely turn into cold water. So I didn't bring water.

Ji Hongjun looked up at Liang Huan with deep eyes: "It's okay."

Staring at by Ji Hongjun, Liang Huan's face was slightly red. He quickly lowered his head and picked up the eggs in the basin and handed them to Ji Hongjun: "Here."

"You eat, I eat this." Ji Hongjun picked up another egg in the basin.

Ji Hongjun finished speaking, peeling the eggs off and ate them.

Liang Huan originally brought both eggs for Ji Hongjun, but she was really a little hungry when she saw Ji Hongjun eating them. Hearing Ji Hongjun say that she would eat them, she hesitated for a moment, Liang Huan peeled off the eggs and ate them.

Ji Hongjun and Liang Huan sat on the lonely tree and ate.

The villagers who watched the two of them eat began to discuss again. In particular, Yang's daughter-in-law kept looking at Liang Huan and Ji Hongjun, and her eyes were a little red.

Yang's daughter-in-law's family is poor, and her mother-in-law is strict. Usually, she can only drink soup without sweet potatoes when drinking sweet potato porridge at home. Her man is not good to her. Usually, don't give her something to eat, it's good not to beat her. At this time, she saw Liang Huan eating eggs with Ji Hongjun. She was jealous and blushed and sarcastic:

"Some people are lazy and willing to eat. I'll take care of her prodigal methods. Sooner or later, the food at home will be cleaned up, and I will drink the northwest wind in the future."

When Yang's daughter-in-law spoke, someone should immediately say it to her: "This man eats eggs, and lazy women who don't work also eat it, and they are willing to eat their mouths."

Some people in the village couldn't get used to Liang Huan and Ji Hong eating eggs like, but others were envious. Wang's daughter-in-law said, "This. There are eggs at home, and both of them can eat. I think they are quite good.

Her man secretly hides food for her when he is at home.

Lao Ma's family also heard the conversation of those women. To be honest, she also felt that it would be good to have eggs for men. Women's work is not as tired as men's. It's okay to eat or not. However, in front of so many people, she would not say that. Hong Jun saved their country, and she knew she was grateful.

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