- Chapter 6: Father Ji divided the east wing to the fourth couple.

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Chapter 6: Father Ji divided the east wing to the fourth couple.

Father Ji divided the east wing to the fourth couple, but some people didn't want to. The second wife paced around. Father Ji has the final say, so she dares not to refute him in front of the captain and others. She turned around and went out. She was ready to bring Mother Ji over and let her make trouble.

Liang Huan saw the second wife sneak out, but didn't care. She smiled and praised Father Ji, "Dad is sensible and has high ideological awareness."

Liang Huan's praise made Father Ji even more unhappy. A big stone blocked his chest, but he couldn't show anything. It took him his all to say, "Our old Ji family has an absolutely high ideological awareness."

Liang Huan replied with a smile, "Dad is right. Our three generations of poor peasants are highly aware, but dad, the separation has been negotiated. Shall we take advantage of the presence of the captain and secretary to divide the family? Someone will witness it, and no one outside can say it was unfair. The commune will know in the future, and will praise you for being sensible."

Liang Huan put a high hat on Father Ji in front of the secretary, threatening him. Now, separation is a high ideological awareness. If there aren't any witnesses, she could go to the commune and sue. Maybe the commune would say he was wrong.

Father Ji was grieving in his heart, but couldn't say that Liang Huan is wrong. He could only grit his teeth, "Let's divide now."

He said this but was still unwilling. He looked at Ji Hongjun, "Fourth, you listen to your wife?"

Ji Hongjun stood motionless. His face was no longer as pale as it was in the morning. His thin body stood upright, his momentum was strong. He said calmly, "I listen to her."

Liang Huan gave Ji Hongjun a satisfied look, then turned to Father Ji with a smile, "Dad, you have to share with the family. There's a lot of money at home. Hongjun and I are both filial, so we'll only take five yuan. There's one yuan, along with the four yuan divided by the pot, which equals to give yuan. Give it to me now."

In her memory, the Ji family is full of iron roosters. They say five yuan but will only give them a dime. She has to ask for the money while the captain and secretary are here. Otherwise, they won't give it to them and start making a fuss.

Father Ji could only grit his teeth and turn to the cabinet. He took out five yuan from the cabinet.

"I'll give you the money. Fourth, can your father swallow your five yuan? Letting your wife ask for it."

Ji Hongjun stood beside Liang Huan with a straight face, "Huanhuan is right. It's time separate the family, so now is just the right."

Liang Huan nodded, "Dad, the money has been divided, and so has the house. The two rooms in the east are ours. Shouldn't the second family move out?"

The second wife was dragging Mother Ji into the room when she heard this. She let go of Mother Ji and ran in, "You can't move! The east wing is my house!"

Mother Ji also ran in, panicking, "The east side is for the second family, why give it to the fourth? Where will the second family live? You want to force the second family to death?"

"Mom, I don't agree with what you said. The separation letter stamped by the commune states that the east wing is distributed to us. Besides, we were almost frozen to death by you in the thatched house yesterday. I didn't go to the commune to report you, nor have I rushed the second brother's family to live in that broken house, yet you said we're forcing them to death. You are too biased."

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