Chapter 43-44

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Chapter 43

No one paid attention to Ji's second sister-in-law's dullness. She didn't find out the problem. Ji Hongjun looked at the captain with a faint look: "Uncle, you have to ask the team to help write and stamp the book."

The captain looked at Ji Hongjun and sighed, but he didn't say any words of consolation. He only replied with a heavy word: "Zhong."

When Ji's second sister-in-law heard that the captain agreed to break the marriage, she recovered from the dullness. She looked at the captain and scolded him a little: "Captain, why did you agree? Why don't you ask me if I'm happy?"

If Ji Hongjun's family had found out the evidence that he went to the black market and stole from the mountain, she would definitely agree to break off the marriage. But nothing has been checked out at this time, and Ji Xiaosi will not be imprisoned, corrected, criticized - shake, so what kind of kiss will she break up?

The captain glanced at Sister Ji's second sister-in-law with a calm face: "Didn't you say that you didn't find anything and broke up?"

Liang Huan listened to their conversation and quietly pulled Ji Hongjun: "Hongjun, what did you say to them? If you can't find anything, will you break up with Lao Ji's family?"

Can you really break up? It's really broken, so the value of being searched this time. After breaking up, after fifteen, she and Ji Hongjun went to the end of the village to build a house. After building it, they moved away, so that they could get rid of this group of people as soon as possible.

Ji Hongjun lowered her eyes, looked at Liang Huan holding her hand, and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "I broke up with my second sister-in-law's family."

Liang Huan was a little disappointed to hear that, but he broke up with Ji Hongxing's family, but the best group of the old Ji family can get rid of the family. Thinking to himself, when Liang Huan looked at the captain, he said, "It's okay for this kind of family to break up. My family's Hongjun obviously did not make a mistake. My parents said that my family's Hongjun was speculative. I don't want this kind of relatives."

Old man Ji stood aside. After listening to Liang Huan's words, he looked up and said, "I didn't say I broke up. Xiao Si is my own son. I keep."

When Mr. Ji was talking, he also looked at Mr. Ji fiercely and motioned her to speak.

Mrs. Ji looked at the look and felt timid. She took two steps forward and stood opposite Liang Huan and said, "My old Ji is right. I keep kissing. Xiao Si is the meat that fell from my body. My son, no one can let me break the kiss."

Liang Huan looked at them and questioned, "Is my Hongjun really your own son? You don't look like treating Hong to your own son. As soon as Hongjun got married, you drove him to the broken thatch and let him go. You drove him away. You didn't give him any food and drink. It snowed heavily that day, and you didn't even give him a quilt. You want to freeze him to death alive. Is it really your parents' attitude towards your son?

"You drove Hongjun to the shabby thatched hut on a snowy day. You want Hongjun to freeze to death. That's not enough. Now you report Hongjun again, saying that he is speculative and that he stole public property. You didn't let him freeze to death for the first time. You want to kill Hongjun for the second time.

"People like you who want their son to die, is this the son of Danghongjun? I think it's almost the same as the enemy.

When Liang Huan said this, many people in the village gathered together to whisper, thinking about what Liang Huan said seemed to be true. If there are parents who treat their son like this, this is almost the enemy.

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